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Drew 1011

Hisoka is an incredible character. I understand the hesitation when discussing him but don’t worry - we’re all Hisoka enjoyers. Liking a fictional character is not an endorsement of their actions! If it were then 99% of the population should probably be in jail.


I think what is interesting is that ppl often take the side of Hisoka being a creep VS Hisoka being attracted to those with potential/power, when in reality it could be both, and maybe even one leads to another. Personally I think this complexity makes it interesting. I think that his attraction and "waiting for fruit to ripen" mentality lends towards the former. But then consider Bisky/Wing, they have similar tendencies yet do not fall into that hole. Maybe there is comparative commentary to be made here. Refreshing take as always, I feel like I'm back in my literature classes. It can be hard to view things from an observer's point of view sometimes.