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You may remember some time ago I asked Ninja Club members whether they feel I should release Ninja Club songs onto Spotify etc. so that non-Ninja Club members could potentially download the songs or add them to Spotify playlists too...

In the end, we came to the conclusion that I could [many of you even said you were patron-ing *just* to support me and not for the perks- which is lovely!! But I still want to give you perks :P], but a good way of continuing to incentivise Ninja Club would be to make people wait quite a while before they could.

I decided, after debating back and forth with myself [and poor Patrick :P], that doing sets of 6 songs would be a good way of going about it. Basically, every 3/4 months I could put out a collection, but only AFTER Ninja Club members have gotten all the downloads & seen all the music videos. Bear in mind, many of the perks are still Ninja-Club exclusive [including the Instrumentals, chord charts, karaoke tracks, WAV versions etc.].

One thing this would enable is themed sets of songs too. Spoilers: The next series of Ninja Club songs that'll come out will have a theme!! Though, obviously, I wouldn't do this all the time, because variety is fun too.

Moving along... This here is the very first Ninja Club EP cover!! I spent more time than I'd like to admit scheming this because I'm thinking of making all future covers follow the theme. Namely, the bottom strip [which has a subtle bamboo pattern over it if you look closely!] would be on all the sets, marking what they're titled & what volume they are. There's also going to be a cartoon Ninja [like the one you can see popping out behind my shoulder] on every photo in the future too.

With the photo, it's one of the pics from the original Ninja Club shoot, which I think works well enough for this set of songs as there's no real theme to it, other than the fact they were all once Ninja Club songs. Future photos may have me dressed as a Ninja re-inacting relevant scenes [i.e. Ninja beside a TARDIS if I were to do a Doctor Who themed set].

I'd love to know what you think of the cover and of the schemes!!




Like the idea and presentation very much! If I'm forced to make some constructive criticism... The black title bar across the bottom looks a bit plain? As my really quick, not-well-considered suggestions: make it a "white belt"? Maybe add a cartoon ninja or two fighting? I'm very happy with how it is, just trying to respond to your request for feedback :)


That's actually the reason I added the bamboo pattern to it :P I don't know what the titles of these EPs will be in the future, they may be very long and take up the whole bar, which is why I opted to put the ninja in the photo [I originally had the Ninja on the bar too!]


The black bamboo title strip as a permanent design element is a great way of depicting that each album is a part of the Ninja Club series. Using a photo to thematically represent the songs contained on each EP is a fun way of differentiating one album from another. It's simple, and I like it. Great job :)