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A Kindle has been a welcome new addition to my life and routine relatively recently, but I've found the actual benefits and the ones that were promoted to induce me to initially want to buy a Kindle have not lined up... So, I figured, I'd create a video so I could try my hand at better informing new people who find themselves in my previous situation...

And, here is the result! I hope I was able to summarise my points [and opinions] well and it can help someone in the future!

P.S. Ninja Club Members are credited at the end of the video!

P.P.S. I still think my Kindle case is the coolest :P


Actual Reasons To Get A Kindle Vs Actually Crap Reasons

Ninja Club ► https://www.patreon.com/meriamber After looking into it and experiencing having a Kindle myself, I've learnt that a lot of the "reasons" to get a Kindle are actually clever marketing [or misinformation] and want to share. I've also learnt that there are a number of actually GOOD reasons to get a Kindle that are not promoted enough, so I wanted to share them too. Whether you're considering getting an All New Kindle 2019, Kindle Paperwhite or Kindle Oasis, I hope this helps you sort the actual advantages out from the propaganda. A great program to watch on waste [including e-waste]: https://www.abc.net.au/tv/programs/war-on-waste/ Negative effects [of the blue light] of screens on eyes: http://utnews.utoledo.edu/index.php/08_08_2018/ut-chemists-discover-how-blue-light-speeds-blindness Negative effects of screens on eyes [digital eye strain]: https://www.aoa.org/patients-and-public/caring-for-your-vision/protecting-your-vision/computer-vision-syndrome Negative effects of E-Readers on sleep: https://www.pnas.org/content/112/4/1232 --- I'd love for you to come hang out with me around the internets at: My cosy online home - http://www.meriamber.com Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/meriamber Twitter [@meriamber] - http://twitter.com/meriamber Instagram [@meriamber] - https://instagram.com/meriamber Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/meriamber And listen to my music on: My music page - http://www.meriamber.com/music Spotify - https://play.spotify.com/artist/4ULUypMfEm9tEgWbzsww3b Apple Music - https://itunes.apple.com/au/artist/meri-amber/id634506373 Google Play - http://bit.ly/MAonGooglePlay BandCamp - https://meriamber.bandcamp.com --- If you wanna grab one of my tracks and an e-zine for free, pop by here: http://bit.ly/MAFreeStuff --- Thank you for watching and a huge thank you for subscribing if you've subscribed too!



After my numerous eye surgeries this year, I discussed device screen usage with my doctor. He recommended blue light-blocking glasses (no prescription unless you need it for vision correction) and they make a measurable difference to me when using my laptop. I got a really nice pair on Amazon for about $25. (No, I don't work for Amazon.) :-)


Holy dang! I didn't even know those exist :O [Kinda tempted to get a pair too now haha.... That's really good!!!]


My blue-blocking lenses are tinted a very very pale yellow (which makes sense, color wheel-wise). Ironically, my cataract surgeries were done to replace my damaged, cloudy yellow natural eye lenses. It's really smart to think about your eye health, Meri. And you sharing this with your community will--I'm sure--help others a lot!