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Unfortunately I've got some bad news :(

I've come down with a pretty nasty cold and won't be able to work on music or videos until I'm better :'(

Unfortunately, this means that new content will be delayed until I get better, which SUCKS as I'm soooo keen to get started filming the Baby Baby Butt So Sexy video [the props, clothes and plans are all ready to go!].

But, please know, new content IS coming. I just feel it's best for all parties if I take some time to fully recover before I get into making new music and new videos. The sickness will hopefully be shorter, and the new music and new videos will hopefully be better.



I need a break after Butt So Sexy anyway. I can't think of anything else. It's stuck in there... Possibly for good?


Haha Baby Baby Butt So Sexy WILL BE BACK!!! With a music video :P Once I can breathe through my nose again...


Sorry to hear you're unwell. :( Definitely rest up, the world needs Healthy Meri !