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Hey guys :)

I was excited about some of these new clothing items I got for stage-wear, and wanted to share them with you! The first one is a denim cropped jacket top that was handmade; still testing out which bottoms to wear with it, but I LOVE the silhouette. Next I got this 1980s vintage white leather jacket; I’m in love with this one and once again am still figuring out what to wear for the rest of the ensemble. Both of these items I got from sellers of Depop. The last pictures are some clothes I’ve already had for a bit, but I’m trying to go for a more chill, folky look for one of the stage outfits. I’ll probably also bring along my trusty denim jumpsuit that I wore a lot on the last tour. Maybe I’ll do another simple big-T-shirt-and-fishnets kind of outfit as well, since it’s so comfy and fun on stage. What do y’all think?

Hope everyone’s having a nice week!





the shoulderpads are everything


Pretty sick outfits! The jacket’s shoulder blades are dope af (reminds me of Mettaton from undertale a little (the book holding the desk, 😂 👍)


The pants and shoulder pads are awesome!