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Hey all my kind $3+ Supporters,

Thank you again for keeping me going. I've been meaning to share something interesting about the creation process, so I've attached what is a really important document for me.  

It's a dump of notes on whatever I'm reading, watching or listening to that's interesting and pertains to the topic I'm working on (In this case sleep).
-If there's something from a book worthwhile then I'll type that out into the document
-If there's a statement from a lecture or presentation that's interesting then I'll make a note about what was said with a link and timestamp to that part in the  video
-Also in here are questions I have that need answering, ways to word things, Ideas for segways and how to organize the script, and sometimes a couple free writing sessions

Basically it's just a big Katamari  of anything that could be useful for the topic I'm working on. Sometimes it will reach a critical mass and I'll say OK I can turn this into a script. Sometimes I'll get stuck trying to work out an interesting thesis, set it aside and work on a different topic.  Sometimes I'll start out with a thesis in mind and then after doing the research to substantiate that I realize it needs to be broken up into two videos. (This is what happened with the sleep video - I initially intended for it to be "How sleep works and how to get more quality sleep," but I realized that I could barely cover "How sleep works" in one video)

The point is, being very thorough in this note taking process is incredibly important for getting the videos done. Anytime I don't immediately go and write down an interesting point I heard or read, I regret it later. 

The pdf of it is attached, feel free to take a look to see what I mean, but it's probably not that fun to read to be honest. (I might regret not having edited it at least a little bit...) If the Ctrl+F function existed it would be a lot more organized. 

I hope this was helpful or at least interesting for those of you working on similar content / projects.




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