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My script draft for the video I'm working on is attached for anyone who wants to take a look.  If you're not particularly interested in the editing process, I recommend just waiting for the video as it will be more fun and interesting that way. (Hopefully the video will be up in maybe another 48 hours)

It usually happens that I finish the script first, get all the recording done then just edit nonstop until the video is done. This post is a peak into the process for my kind patreonites:

(Credit to andrejudah for this idea)WHY This topic [First off: How did I get around to picking this topic?]I was already planning to do this video from when I started doing my other video on the addictive properties of sugar. I was pretty sure that most people are aware that sugar is not a 100% harmless substance so I thought it was more important to start off with a video that highlights the real issue with sugar: It's everywhere , people eat it without realizing it, and they don't notice that it may be having an effect on them. This seemed like a better starting point because it's likely that more people can identify with sugar cravings (as addressed in the first video) rather than something like fatty liver disease down the line etc. (as will be addressed in this video). The aim of the video is to show precisely why chronic sugar consumption is dangerous to your health. I had been wanting to make this video ever since I saw Robert Lustig's "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" on youtube a while back. All the statistics and information in there was very interesting and eye opening, but what really interested me was the biochemistry of how sugar is processed so similarly to alcohol in the body. While I wanted to get that message out to as many people as I could, getting my friends and family to watch a 90 minute video and pay close attention to the biochem is unrealistic. So the goal is to try and make an easily digestible video that has a similar effect as that lecture.

HOW My process usually goes like this: Research>Video Idea>Research> Script Writing & Clip/Animation Ideas for Video > Narration > Clip Compiling & Editing-It usually ends up that I get my video ideas after reading/watching/listening about a lot of random topics. While I'm just browsing around into things I'm interested in, I'll run across something that's particularly interesting or maybe a new perspective on something that makes me want to explore that idea more. For example: One of the big points in my video on sugar addiction was that it should be more obvious that sugar has drug-like properties, because like any other drugs it is a refined substance. I had watched a Terence McKenna lecture several months back where he pointed out the most dangerous drugs are dangerous because they have been refined from their natural form. At some point I thought the same concept applies to sugar and that this was a novel enough idea that I could make a video about it, so I started doing more research on the physiological aspects of sugar addiction etc. 

-While doing the research on a topic I make sure to take notes on everything i.e. quote worthy passages in books or audio books, statistics to remember, articles to bookmark, clip-worthy points in lectures, funny videos or anecdotes that could fit with the topic etc. Usually I'll have a certain thesis in mind while doing this research, but it gets changed up a lot along the way. These notes usually culminate into a 10 - 20 page google doc that I browse around in and reference while writing the script

-After the script  is made, I record the narration all at once and then start editing.Microphone is an audiotechnica AT2020  USB I just use iMovie for editing (plan to get some new soft soon...) 

Clips:For most of the clips that I use, it's usually something I had seen before (scene from a movie, episode of some show, anecdote in a lecture or documentary etc.) and just popped into my head while writing the script or doing the narration. Sometimes I'll  look around for stock footage or re-watch a documentary or movie on 2x- 3x speed if I think there might be a useable clip in there (I try not to use more than 12 seconds at a time to avoid copyright issues)   Animations: Any animations I do are quite basic. I just draw each frame in GIMP or the Mac equivalent of MS Paint  (Paintbrush), then use a program that stitches all the pictures together to make a .mov  I'm not using any actual animation software (though I think most people have guessed this as the animations aren't that spectacular). ( If you open the PDF attached here you'll see I have a diagram of how the liver metabolizes different substances over a green background. When the video is done you'll see each arrow and text boxes appearing in order- it's just a new .jpeg for each time I add text or an arrow.) In the "Why we get fat video"  you'll see a number countdown from the year 2002 to 1897- For that I just typed out 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997... over a green background until I had 100+ jpegs, turned that into a .mov file and greenscreen/bluescreen overlayed it on a video.

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That's the basic run down of my process, if you have any questions feel free to ask and I can give you more specific details. Thanks!! 


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