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What did you think of Jordan Peterson on the channel?

  • I like Peterson, it was great to see the interview! 101
  • I'm neutral about Peterson, but I watched the interview. 25
  • I'm neutral about Peterson and wasn't interested in watching. 16
  • I dislike Peterson but still watched. 13
  • I dislike Peterson so I didn't watch 17
  • (Just wanna see poll results) 6
  • 2022-01-24
  • 178 votes
{'title': 'What did you think of Jordan Peterson on the channel?', 'choices': [{'text': 'I like Peterson, it was great to see the interview!', 'votes': 101}, {'text': "I'm neutral about Peterson, but I watched the interview.", 'votes': 25}, {'text': "I'm neutral about Peterson and wasn't interested in watching.", 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'I dislike Peterson but still watched.', 'votes': 13}, {'text': "I dislike Peterson so I didn't watch", 'votes': 17}, {'text': '(Just wanna see poll results)', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 24, 6, 55, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 178}


New Vid: What Gives Life Meaning? | Jordan Peterson

What did you think of my recent video with Jordan Peterson "What gives life meaning?"  
A majority of the comments about the recent 20 minute clip from my interview with Jordan Peterson were very positive, it was fun to see so many of you were excited to see the discussion.

However I was surprised that there were a number of commenters that seemed frankly repulsed by Peterson's appearance.  Most of the comments were simply the people expressing their dislike of Peterson rather than offering quotes or specific examples of egregious conduct on his part.  

Most of my exposure to him has been to Peterson the academic - I watched his University Lectures, read his book Maps of Meaning and read a couple papers of his that came up on Google Scholar.  I knew of some people disliking Peterson already, but I had to dig around to figure out why.

I understand that the advent of his fame was rooted in controversy - I believe it was his denouncing of Canada's bill C-16 was what made him famous. However, at every opportunity he got, he made clear that his issue was the enforcing of speech, not with transgender people. Yet people still claim he is transphobic."

Someone else claimed that Peterson was advocating "enforced monogamy," and I believe Peterson has in fact used that phrase. However, based on the context, it didn't seem so alarming to me. (I will admit I thought to myself "now that's a bad choice of words, this is going to be clipped  Even if you take that phrase out of context, wouldn't you agree that "enforced monogamy" is simply a creepier way to say "marriage?" So, he thinks "marriage" is a good thing that helps maintain order in society, as I understand it. In particular, it's good for children if parents are married/remain married.  (Not that people should be forced to be married to other people.) I don't quite see what's so heinous about that.

Joe Rogan summed it up in one of his podcasts with Peterson:
One of the things that you talked about with incels... and this was part of the, what was it, the New York Times hit piece? You said one of the cures for this is "enforced monogamy." People decided and, y'know, I had never heard that term before quite honestly and I was like "What the fuck does that mean?" It's a psychological term and what it means that is enforced by culture, that it is a good value.

Peterson: Yea because polygamous societies tend to become ultra violent. And that's been known in the anthropological literature for 100 years.  ...The journalist knew perfectly well what I meant by enforced monogamy. ...it was also 2 minutes out of a 2 day conversation.

My point is it seems that most people who dislike Peterson do so because they were exposed to something he said in the original context.

Gabor Mate said that Peterson seems angry, that he has a lot of repressed rage. I didn't quite get that impression, but if someone felt that way then fair enough. If someone expresses themselves in an off putting way, then naturally you're not going to like them so much and may be averse to taking in whatever information they're trying to share.   

The difference is when you refuse to listen to someone because of the impression you've been told to have of that person.  

I don't agree with everything Peterson says. Since he touches on so many topics, he's bound to receive some amount of hate here or there. But I get the impression that most people who hate Peterson think they hate him. In any case, not everyone has to like every guest that appears on the channel. I was just hoping to see more productive critiques like "I don't agree with this specific thing he said for this reason..." rather than "This guy bad, how can you have bad guy on the channel?"

Anyhow, what did you guys think?


Orion Rodriguez

I used to like Peterson, but his recent AMA on Reddit where he claimed incorrectly that nazism stemmed from atheism and comments about climate change something he isn't qualified to comment on have made me no longer a fan. I like when he talks about getting your life in order but wtf is he even doing anymore


Everything he say about what you complain is 100% right. Nazi didn t believe in something. They were atheist,my grandmother lived in a city where was a lot of nazi and urss in that time and nazi was atheist. And with climate change, do you need a degree to speak about how today science is full of politic? Stop the cap. What he say is true. For sure you are a wimpy man very skinny or very short and fat who get offended when someone tell truth that he don’t like. One of my friends who is from a very powerful family already make serious money from that “helping the planet”. Stop being mommy’s boy.Maibe one of the real reason you are mad at Jordan it’s because you are an atheist and want to lie yourself that nazi people was not atheist. On your logic you can’t talk about nothing because you are not “ qualified“. You were never a fan is you stop watching him because he tell what you didn’t wanna hear. Men up if is not to late fy


My grandparents were alive in ww2 noob. Nazy was atheist. Stop being a annoying atheist who try the propaganda to say that they where Xyz religion because this is 100% bs. You just a vegan who pay for girl OF and don t use anything because “is dangerous to the world “ average redit/discord simp with no social life and 0 fight skill/sport skill. Climate change is just about money you “simpa”. You are mad about peterson because there are so many languages in the world and he speak only facts