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Hey everyone!
Here's the script for the bacon video.

How many of you caught the Patreon shout out at the end? ;)


How much Bacon gives you Liver Failure? What about Colon Cancer?

A look at the claims that processed meat causes cancer. ▲Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WILearned ▲Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeverettlearned ▲IG: https://www.instagram.com/jeverett.whativelearned/ Link to Dr. Mark Miller's article on nitrites/nitrosamines - https://bit.ly/34vKge6 While I recommend you read the whole thing, Mark Miller (PhD in Pharmacology, previously fellow of American college of nutrition, 20 yrs exp as a medical professor) boils his article down like this: "In short, dietary nitrate and nitrite do not provoke cancer via nitrosamines because they are: • too stable • the wrong charge • must be converted to other reactive nitrogen species • the rates that nitrate and nitrite are converted to nitric oxide can support cardiovascular functional optimization but are inadequate for nitrosamine formation, for the same reasons that endogenous production from either nNOS or eNOS do not support nitrosamine formation, and neither does saliva."



I loved the PBS-like message at the end. :)


Excellent video, very factual. I would like to point out the difference between absolute risk and relative risk ratios, which was raised here. One person in 200, versus two people in 200, is an absolute risk rise of just 0.5%, but a relative risk of 100%. Numbers are tricky, and often used to scare people. Mmm, bacon.....