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Hey everyone,

Here's my new video on the importance of tongue posture for the proper forward development of the face. I had seen a couple videos by John Mew on "growing the face" and it was an interesting concept but I got really interested in it when pushing my tongue on the roof of my mouth helped with TMJ / temporomandibular joint dysfunction - something I've had since a teenager. Basically I tend to clench my teeth when I sleep and my jaw pops and starts to shift out of place if I open my mouth too wide.

Mike Mew's explanation was that, like most other muscles in the body, you need to have two opposing forces - biceps oppose the triceps, quadriceps oppose the hamstrings and so on. I clench my jaw while I sleep, so the idea is that my tongue pushing up on the palate would oppose that force. In any case, working on my tongue posture has really helped with that - much more than mouthguards.

Looking forward to any questions on comments on the video!



Attractive Face or Not? It depends on Tongue Posture

First 200 people to use this link https://brilliant.org/WIL/ can get 20% off an annual premium subscription to Brilliant! If you're interested in this topic and how to properly "mew" (practice good oral posture and other habits that encourage good facial development), check out the Orthotropics channel: https://bit.ly/2DciWp0 One thing missing from this discussion is the health impacts of having good oral posture. Considering the airway is at the back of the face, having a receded chin or maxilla could hinder your airway, having big implications for sleep apnea. This topic is discussed in Dr. Felix Liao's "Six Foot Tiger, Three Foot Cage" - https://amzn.to/2WMpPGk Another great book not mentioned in the video is "Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic" - https://amzn.to/2HVJoIR Weston Price's "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" - https://amzn.to/2HZTB7f PDF of the transcript with links to sources: https://www.patreon.com/posts/24534404 ▲Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WILearned ▲Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeverettlearned joseph.everett.wil@gmail.com



Great video! Can you investigate snoring/apnea now? Or hair loss? asking for a friend. ;)


Interesting that you mention that, because snoring and sleep apnea surely have a lot to do with facial structure considering what is at the back of the face is the airway. 3 foot cage, 6 foot tiger talks a lot about that. Hair loss - I expect the topic to be muddled with all kinds of "natural cures" but it would be interesting to look into.


What a really wonderfully done video. And I appreciate how much trouble you went to to put the content in a PDF. I do work on the anatomy of the sitting disease epidemic. We have a new anatomical concept called the deep core. The deep core runs from the medial feet through the pelvis and the spine and culminates in the throat and tongue. One effect of prolonged sitting is the collapse of the structure resulting in what is commonly called head forward position. Head forward position also results in a weakening of these structures. I have sleep apnea and I have long wondered why there isn’t more conservative or non-invasive treatment options. Selling CPAP machines is a great business but not really a cure is it? I appreciate your discussion because it sheds a lot of light on the deeper structural problems in the neck and throat. I will use your working my own research and writing. Thank you for such a coherent summary and such useful references.