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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
I hope y'all had a good time hanging out with family and friends. Went to a Christmas market here in Tokyo which was more like a beer, glühwein and German sausage market.

Quick update:
◆Thank you for all the great comments on my previous post on alcohol. There too many to comment individually but I've read them all. Seems water and electrolytes is pretty common - I agree this helps out alot. Saw some interesting ones like "Engov" from Felipe Garcia - I hadn't heard of this before. TBH My upcoming video is still on alcohol but taking a turn away from hangover prevention / damage control.
◆What's with the pesto? It's for the upcoming video. The only hint I'll drop is: What do pesto, alcohol and opioid receptor antagonists have to do with each other?
◆I recently listened to David Goggins' "Can't Hurt Me" on Audible. It's been a huge inspiration to go and do a lot more exercise than I've been doing. It made me realize my body's threshold for irreversible damage is far far higher than my current mental capacity for exercise induced pain is. Looking to finally do a video on exercise soon but atm I feel like youtube is already flooded with such information. Currently looking for a unique angle that presents some uncommon information. Any ideas for a 30 day physique change goal?
◆Another topic I'm interested in is "orthotropics" - Essentially the practice of modifying posture, tongue and jaw positioning to encourage a more healthy and aesthetic development of the face and jaw. I've had TMJ for a while, and simply paying attention to my tongue and lower jaw's resting position as well as keeping my back straight has helped it quite a bit. I'm quickly reminded that I've been slacking on these things if I wake up in the morning with the left side of my jaw very tight. If I'm managing posture, tongue and jaw position well, it seems to carry over into my sleep and keep things from getting all fecked up. Anyone heard of orthotropics?
◆I've been meaning to update the "questions" tier of my Patreon to bring more useful information to more of you. The idea was to make it so one tier could ask questions, but my response would be public (while keeping that person's personal details/name private).

That's about it for now.
Do y'all have any quick questions for me? I'm guessing you'll be sleeping or busy at Christmas parties but I'll be tabbing over to Patreon to answer your questions for the next two or three days while I finish up this video. (Title spoiler: "What if you could forget to want alcohol?")

Happy Holidays,





Thank you for the great content. As mentioned above, I would also like to see a video about decreasing body fat percentage to around 10% or lower. I already do the Leangains 16:8 protocol, but I have yet to get down to around 10%. My main issue, other than my sweet tooth, is the fear of losing muscle when I cut body fat percentage. I know that my muscle mass should not decrease too much if I continue to lift regularly, but the fear has always been there and still is to some extent. Also, in your videos you include parts of your daily life in Japan, but as a Japanophile, I would love to see a day-in-the-life video of a typical day for you. Thanks!


Hey Jared, well I'm in the process of figuring that out myself, so hopefully I'll have some worthwhile information to share soon! The plan I have in mind is very likely to lose some amount of muscle mass - I noticed a lot of people are very worried about that, but at least for me, it's easy to gain muscle but pretty difficult to lose fat so I don't mind having to rebuild lost muscle afterwards if it means I've lost a good chunk of fat. Looking for a Dexa scan or some reliable method for measuring body fat in Japan... someone mentioned there's a decent Tanita appliance for that. No guarantees on a day in the life in Japan ...anytime soon anyways. :) But maybe I can try and work more shots/Japan anecdotes in my typical vids. Though, I was toying with a "drinking culture in Japan" vid at some point


A lot of bodybuilders are still preaching the old "Cut and Bulk" through caloric deficits mantra which I suspect works so well for them because they're using performance enhancing drugs (clen, test etc). The diets most of these guys share also tend to be pretty high in carbs (sometimes even wretched stuff like table sugar) and I also suspect most of them can manage this while being lean because of the cocktail of PEDs they're on. It would be pretty interesting if someone came in recommending people slowly "lean bulk" via a rather high-protein, high-fat and low-carb diet and maybe even get "competition lean" via a prolonged water-fast which, ironically, seems to preserve more muscle than caloric restriction. But I guess this person, absent drugs, would have too natural of a physique to garner much of a following.