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Hey everyone,

Thanks for the patience, y'all had a bunch of great questions about coffee - many that were outside the scope of the butter coffee video I ended up making.
See the PDF for the first part of answers in response to the questions.




Thank you! Great Q&A! You mentioned that the 7 day fast you did with your brother may have not gone well due to bad food you ate before starting it. I believe this is truly the case: since the gut did not manage to flush that food out on time when the fast started, the liver got extra accumulated toxins to process... Dry fasts or low liquid consumption during a fast may be a danger in this case. Supposedly drinking coffee is hydrating, diuretic and has laxative effects so it helps intestinal flow, getting rid of old remains and toxins through urine while fasting. Bad coffee though (sprayed with chemicals) may increase the accumulated toxins in the liver.