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Hi, EroCondo team here.

We want to share some of the stuff we're working on right now.

We just finished the basics of the new feature: Emoji.

We can now add those little cute icons to the dialogue now. It could be the icon of the item or Emoji like we used in chat. They added more flavors to the text in-game.
We will continue to polish it a little more in a couple of days.

Thanks to all of your supports, we have made it to the Phase II features of the game which are Side Stories and Event. We're now officially working on Phase III features of the game: Tactical Gameplay that will give the game brand new gameplay.

Here's some mock-up UI of the new gameplay.
In the game right now, you read the main stories in their rooms, then feed them afk for items, then use them to read the side stories. It's very visual novel-ish.
With the new gameplay, you can send your residents to a "battle", and be in the battle yourself to help them win, to bring home more Items, hearts, and resources.

Each resident, their version with other outfits, and NPC will be a playable "Unit".
Each Unit has different stats that bring varieties and new tactics to the "battle":
Attack - Defend - Luck - Speed - Dexterity - Critical - Support - Aid
A team of 5 (or fewer) Units can be brought to the battle.

More details about the gameplay of the battle system will be revealed as we work on it. All I can say is it'd still be a tap tap game and it can be played in both real-time or leave it then wait for the result (like Feeding). 😏

Thank you for supporting.
Have a nice day and remember to stay safe.



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