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-- English --

Meet Yin, he is an adult sabertooth with a constant look of seriousness. This is one of the two new characters I have created to add to my group of characters.

This 33-year-old big cat is the eldest of two orphaned brothers. His parents abandoned them after they were born and together with Yang, his younger brother, they have always been perfect for each other.

Being the oldest, he has always taken care of his brother, during his stay in the orphanage he always took care of him so that other boys did not hurt him and, when it was time to leave because, unfortunately, no family had adopted them, he became on his shoulder the breadwinner of his family, no matter how small it is outside.

It wasn't easy to get a job, especially living on the street, but doing small daily tasks he met someone who offered him a job in his cafeteria (where he works today), at first he didn't like the idea very much (I imagine the uniform It will have helped that XD), but without better options I accept so I can give his brother something to eat.

Don't let his serious face fool you, despite his constant frown, he is someone who will always seek the happiness of his loved ones above his own and will always do everything possible to see them happy, as they say, it is happier. and sentimental of what it shows.

-- Español --

Les presento a Yin, es un dientes de sable adulto con una constante mirada de seriedad. Este es uno de los dos nuevos personajes que he creado para sumar a mi grupo de personajes.

Este gran felino de 33 años es el mayor de dos hermanos huérfanos, sus padres los abandonaron después que nacieran y junto a Yang, su hermano menor, siempre han sido el uno para el otro. 

Al ser el mas grande siempre se ha hecho cargo de su hermano, durante su estadía en el orfanato siempre lo cuidaba de que otros chicos no lo lastimaran y, cuando toco el momento de irse porque, desgraciadamente, ninguna familia los había adoptado, se puso al hombro el sostén de su familia, por mas pequeña que esta fuera.

No fue fácil conseguir trabajo, sobre todo viviendo en la calle, pero cumpliendo pequeños labores diarios se encontró con alguien que le ofreció trabajar en su cafetería (lugar donde trabaja hoy día),  al principio no le gusto mucho la idea (imagino que el uniforme habrá ayudado a eso XD), pero sin mejores opciones acepto para poder darle algo de comer a su hermano.

Que su cara de seriedad no te engañe, pese a su constante seño fruncido es alguien que siempre va a procurar la felicidad de sus seres queridos por sobre la de el y siempre hará todo lo posible para verlos felices, como quien dice, es mas alegre y sentimental de lo que demuestra.



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