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-Story written by the person who asked for the commission-

-- English --

It seems that a magician passing by heard the moans of Drago suffering from the curse invading his manhood, he offered to help get rid of it or at least for the most part, the magician prepared a purification rune directly on Drago's affected area , trying to overstimulate him so that he expels it from his body and activates the rune, on the other hand Drago could only feel how an overwhelming pleasure flooded his balls and expanded throughout his prostate and urethra to the point of forcing him to come, let's hope Drago is capable of resisting this treatment and above all ejaculating all that curse out of his body

-- Español --

Parece que un mago que pasaba escucho los gemidos de Drago sufriendo por la maldicion invadiendo su hombria, este se ofrecio a ayudar a librarse de ella o al menos en su gran mayoria, el mago preparo una runa de purificacion directamente sobre la zona afectada de Drago, tratando de sobrestimularlo para que lo expulse de su cuerpo y activar la runa, por otro lado Drago solo podia sentir como un placer abrumador inundaba sus bolas y se expandia por toda su prostata y uretra hasta el punto de forzarlo a venirse, esperemos drago sea capaz de resisitir este tratamiento y sobre todo eyacular toda esa maldicion fuera de su cuerpo



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