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-- English --

Working at night, Dr. Coyote was testing new hardware that he installed in his lab. While they were downloading some drivers, he began to review a device that was seized in his last mission. The coyote was not paying attention to the machines while they were updating, otherwise he would have noticed that a virus was downloaded to his equipment and began to infect all the machines.

By the time he realized he was already being held by his robotic hands and being subdued by them, between leashes and a strong muzzle, the coyote watched as the explosive device was activated again, retaking the countdown that he had programmed.

At the top of his lungs he called for help but the muzzle that had been placed on him prevented him from warning his companions of what was happening. While this is happening he was being put in a bag so no one can see him struggling to get free.

The question is, will he break free before the countdown ends or will he be blown up and end up all black as is his habit?

-- Español --

Trabajando por la noche, el doctor Coyote probaba un nuevo hardware que instalo en su laboratorio. Mientras descargaban unos driver's se pone a revisar un dispositivo que incautaron en su ultima misión. El coyote no estaba prestando atención a las maquinas mientras actualizaban sino habría notado que un virus se descargo el sus equipos y empezaron a infectar todas las maquinas.

Para cuando se dio cuenta ya estaba siendo sujeto por sus manos robóticas y siendo sometido por ellas, entre correas y un fuerte bozal el coyote miraba como el dispositivo explosivo se activaba nuevamente retomando la cuenta regresiva que tenia programada.

A todo pulmón llamaba pidiendo ayuda pero el bozal que le habían colocado evitaba que pudiera advertir a sus compañeros de lo que estaba pasando. Mientras esto pasa estaba siendo metido en una bolsa para que nadie pueda verlo luchando por liberarse. 

La pregunta es, llegara a liberarse antes que la cuenta regresiva termine o volara por los aires y terminara todo negro como es su costumbre?



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