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-- English --

Legoshi and his roommates were in the dining room having lunch while someone sneaked into his bedroom.

Bill had heard that Legoshi had adult magazines but, as much as he asked him, the wolf denied having them. Tired, Bill decides to look for them himself. When he comes in he goes to Legoshi's bed and starts looking everywhere with no luck. He draws the curtains, pulls out the sheets, throws down the pillows but there was nothing. Frustrated, he lies down on the floor and sees something hidden on top of the bed. Bill quickly jumps up to see him, but before he reaches him, something grabs him from behind and subdues him.

The tiger tries to fight but before he could do anything they put him inside, undress and put him inside a straitjacket which they adjust so that he stays calm. Looking up he sees that his captor was none other than Legoshi, who had followed him when he saw him run away from lunch. Bill struggled to free himself but there was no luck, the garment had him well held no matter how hard he did and his expression changed when he saw that the young wolf had a couple of ideas so that Bill learns not to get into his room without permission.

-- Español --

Legoshi y sus compañeros de habitación estaban en el comedor almorzando mientras que alguien se escabullía en su dormitorio.

Bill había escuchado que Legoshi tenia revistas para adultos pero, por mas que le preguntara, el lobo negaba tenerlas. Cansado, Bill decide buscarlas por si mismo. Cuando entra va a la cama de Legoshi y empieza a buscar por todos lados sin suerte. Corre las cortinas, saca las sabanas, tira las almohadas pero no había nada. Frustrado se recuesta en el piso y ve que en la parte de arriba de la cama se ve algo escondido. Bill salta rápidamente para verlo pero, antes de alcanzarlo, algo lo toma por detrás y lo somete.

El tigre intenta luchar pero antes que pudiera hacer nada lo meten dentro desnudan y meten dentro de una camisa de fuerza la cual ajustan para que se quede tranquilo. Al levantar la mirada ve que su captor no era otro que Legoshi, quien lo había seguido cuando vio que se escapo del almuerzo. Bill luchaba por liberarse pero no había suerte, la prenda lo tenia bien sostenido por mas fuerza que hiciera y su expresión cambio al ver que el joven lobo tenia un par de ideas para que Bill aprenda a no meterse a su cuarto sin permiso.
