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-- English --

Sly always boasted about being a great thief and as such, he can't resist a good challenge. He always enjoys teasing Detective Fox so he decided to pay her a visit and get rid of the extensive file she has on hers.

The job was easy, go in, take the papers and leave, without further ado, but when he got to the office he ran into something he didn't expect to find... not at least in the detective's office. Dildos, sex toys and a lot of pleasure items, that was what was in the safe.

Completely bewildered, Sly didn't know how to react, but he didn't have much time to think about it either, since while he thought it was happening there they take him from behind and, with a strong submission key, he begins to lose consciousness until he is K.O.

Upon waking up, Sly tries to get out as quickly as possible but he realizes that this was going to be a more complicated task than he thought, since he was heavily bound and gagged. Behind him was Detective Fox, who laughed and explained how she prepared those things to catch him off guard and capture him (which worked perfectly). The raccoon looked helplessly at the situation he was in while the detective brandished her cane wondering where to start "talking" to her guest of honor.

-- Español --

Sly siempre se jacto de ser un gran ladrón y, como tal, no se puede resistir a un buen reto. Siempre disfruta de molestar a la detective Fox asique decidió darle una visita y deshacerse del amplio archivo que ella tiene de el.

El trabajo era facil, entrar, tomar los papeles y salir, sin mas, pero al llegar a la oficina se topo con algo que no esperaba encontrar...no al menos en la oficina de la detective. Consoladores, juguetes sexuales y un montón de elementos para el placer, eso era lo que había en la caja de seguridad.

Completamente desconcertado, Sly no sabia como reaccionar, pero no tuvo mucho tiempo para pensarlo tampoco, ya que mientras pensaba que estaba pasando ahí lo toman por la espalda y, con una fuerte llave de sumisión, empieza a perder la conciencia hasta quedar K.O.

Al despertar Sly trata de salir lo mas rápido posible pero se da cuenta que esta iba a ser una tarea mas complicada de lo que pensó, ya que se encontraba fuertemente atado y amordazado. Detrás de el se encontraba la detective Fox, quien se reía y le explicaba como preparo esas cosas para agarrarlo con la guardia baja y poder capturarlo (cosa que funciono a la perfección). El mapache miraba impotente la situación en la que se encontraba mientras la detective blandía su bastón pensando por donde empezar a "hablar" con su invitado de honor.



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