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-- English --

Conor went to visit Drago, he receives him at his house and they start talking quietly. The dog, somewhat blushing, asks Drago if he can give him a couple of lessons.

The bear has no problem but he finds such an unexpected request strange but Conor tells him that many talk about his "skills" as a master and he wanted to see how he felt. Drago is flattered and invites him into his training area.

Conor didn't know what to expect so he closed his eyes and took one last deep breath as a large red ball entered his mouth and was fitted behind the back of his head. Drago tells him to take off his clothes, which he does, while the bear comes with some red ropes and begins to pass them through his body, tying him tightly so that he cannot free himself.

The curtain rose and the show was about to start

-- Español --

Conor fue a visitar a Drago, este lo recibe en su casa y se ponen a hablar tranquilamente. El perro, algo sonrojado, le pide a Drago si le puede dar un par de lecciones.

El oso no tiene problema pero le resulta extraña tan inesperada petición pero Conor le dice que muchos hablan de sus "habilidades" como amo y el quería ver que tal se sentía. Drago se siente halagado y lo invita a pasar a su zona de entrenamiento.

Conor no sabia que esperar asique cerro los ojos y respiro hondo por ultima vez, ya que al entrar una gran bola roja entro en su boca y fue ajustada detrás de su nuca. Drago le dice que se quite la ropa, lo cual hace, mientras el oso viene con unas sogas rojas y empieza a pasarlas por su cuerpo atándolo fuertemente para que no pueda liberarse.

Se levanto el telón y el show estaba por empezar 



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