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-- English --

It seems that Elek got a partner for his adventures.

He and Daigo were to have a tag team match and qualify for the next round of the tournament. At the end of it, both fighters returned to the locker room to relax but their plans were slightly modified ...

In the corridors they were approached by two people who applied a submission key to them. Tired from the fight, they couldn't do much to resist and, sooner rather than later, they were K.O. Time passed and slowly they came back to themselves. When they wanted to get up, they realized that they were tied with tape so that they could not leave the sitting position, much less be able to ask for help since they had a kind of cloth inside their mouths and a lot of tape on their snouts, preventing them from spitting it out.

Silent and defenseless, they only have to fight between their bonds to be able to free themselves. We'll see if they can break free for their next fight

-- Español --

Parece que Elek consiguio un compañero para sus aventuras.

El y Daigo iban a tener una lucha por equipos y clasificar para la próxima ronda del torneo. Al terminar la misma ambos luchadores volvieron a los vestuarios para relajarse pero sus planes se vieron modificados levemente...

En los pasillos fueron abordados por dos personas que les aplicaron una llave de sumisión. Cansados por la pelea, no pudieron hacer mucho para resistirse y, mas pronto que tarde, quedaron K.O. Paso el tiempo y lentamente fueron volviendo en si. Cuando Quisieron levantarse se dieron cuenta que estaban atados con cinta de forma que no podrían abandonar la posición de sentado, menos poder pedir ayuda ya que tenían una especie de tela dentro de la boca y mucha cinta sobre el hocico, evitando que la puedan escupir.

Callados e indefensos, solo les resta luchar entre sus ataduras para poder liberarse. Veremos si pueden soltarse para su próxima lucha 



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