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-- English --

This big boy went out for a walk in the park. It was a calm, sunny day, perfect for walking with nature.

His plan was to meet some friends to go for a drink but he arrived very early for the appointment, so he started walking. When passing near some trees he hears a noise that came from a bush, he did not care ... but the noise did not stop so he decided to find out what was generating it. He approached the bush and, when he leaned over to see it closely, something hit him hard on his crotch, causing the wolf to fall to his knees to the ground clutching his penis while he suffered from pain.

Completely helpless and in pain, he could not defend himself from what was to come. A person appears behind him and places a damp handkerchief over his snout, pressing him hard so that he does not remove it and the wolf, with the little strength he had, could do nothing about it. Little by little, a feeling of sleep came over him and, before he knew it, he fell to the ground completely unconscious.

He doesn't know how much time passed but, when he began to regain consciousness, his body felt something strange, practically numb ... which was not that far from reality. When he opens his eyes he sees that he was tightly bound all over his body, unable to make almost any movement. He tried to ask for help but, as soon as he opened his mouth, a rubber ball entered it and adjusted tightly on the nape of his neck so that later it felt like a muzzle covered his muzzle and fitted in the same area.

This big boy could not do anything but start fighting for his freedom, in vain knowing how well he is attached, but since he could not ask for help, he only had to wait for someone to find him (and want to help him), or to let go of himself...

-- Español--

Este grandote salió a dar una vuelta por el parque. Era un día tranquilo, soleado, perfecto para caminar junto a la naturaleza.

Su plan era encontrarse con unos amigos para ir a tomar algo pero llego muy temprano a la cita, por lo que empezó a caminar. Al pasar cerca de unos arboles escucha un ruido que provenía de un arbusto, no le dio importancia...pero el ruido no paraba asique decidió averiguar que lo generaba. Se acerco al arbusto y, cuando se inclino para verlo de cerca, algo lo golpea fuertemente en su entrepierna, haciendo que el lobo caiga de rodillas al piso agarrándose el pene mientras sufría de dolor.

Completamente indefenso y adolorido, no pudo defenderse de lo que se avecino. Una persona aparece detrás de el y le coloca un pañuelo húmedo sobre el hocico, presionándolo fuerte para que no lo quite y el lobo, con las pocas fuerzas que tenia, no pudo hacer nada al respecto. Poco a poco, una sensación de sueño lo fue invadiendo y, antes de darse cuenta, cae al piso completamente inconsciente.

No sabe cuanto tiempo paso pero, cuando empezó a recuperar la conciencia, sentía su cuerpo algo extraño, prácticamente entumecido...lo cual no estaba tan lejos de la realidad. Al abrir los ojos ve que estaba fuertemente atado por todo su cuerpo, imposibilitado de casi cualquier movimiento. Trato de pedir ayuda pero, en cuanto abrió la boca, una pelota de goma entro en ella y se ajusto fuertemente en su nuca para que luego sintiera como un bozal cubría su hocico y se ajustaba en la misma zona.

Este grandote no pudo hacer otra cosa que empezar a luchar por su libertad, en vano sabiendo lo bien sujeto que esta, pero al no poder pedir ayuda solo le quedaba esperar que alguien lo encuentre (y quiera ayudarlo), o soltarse por si mismo...  



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