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-- English --

Incineroar has a very important fight tonight, he defends his title against a new challenger. The hour was yet to come and the huge feline was finishing preparing before going into the ring ... but things don't always go as expected.

Before he realizes it, Incineroar is grabbed from behind and a damp handkerchief (possibly with chloroform) is pressed against his snout, causing the forces of the huge cat to slowly diminish ... as he listens to voices that speak, everything begins to fade. turn dark, until he falls unconscious

Without knowing how long he has been like this, incineroar begins to wake up but feels his body very tense, to the point of not being able to move it but this was for good reason when he regained all his strength, the huge feline realized that he is tightly bound and gagged . Without thinking much about it, he began to struggle to try to free himself but it was a useless and painful attempt, since when he pulled the strings he felt a strong grip on his balls, which left the pokemon completely still.

Whoever tied and locked him had thought of all the details and attached all the ropes to the cremation penis, so, with the slightest movement, he would squeeze his balls and give up on continuing. Locked up and completely immobile, he could only try to remove the gag from his mouth, so he could ask for help for someone to free him ... or take advantage of him seeing him so vulnerable ... everything can be XD.

In this drawing we have the cameo of Maxwell and Mista J, for being patrons of more than 10 dollars.

-- Español --

Incineroar tiene una lucha muy importante esta noche, defiende su titulo contra un nuevo retador. La hora estaba por llegar y el enorme felino estaba terminando de prepararse antes de subir al ring...pero no siempre salen las cosas como uno espera.

Antes de darse cuenta, Incineroar es sujetado por detrás y un pañuelo húmedo (posiblemente con cloroformo), es presionado contra su hocico, haciendo que las fuerzas del enorme gato empiecen a mermar lentamente...mientras escucha unas voces que hablan todo se empieza a tornar oscuro, hasta que cae inconsciente

Sin saber cuanto tiempo a estado así, incineroar empieza a despertar pero siente su cuerpo muy tenso, al punto de no poder moverlo pero esto era por una buena razón cuando recupero todas sus fuerzas, el enorme felino se dio cuenta que esta fuertemente atado y amordazado. Sin pensarlo mucho, empezó a forcejear para intentar liberarse pero fue un intento inútil y doloroso, ya que al jalar las cuerdas sintió un fuerte apretón en sus bolas, lo cual dejo al pokemon completamente quieto.  

Quien lo ato y encerró había pensado en todos los detalles y sujeto todas las sogas al pene de incinerar, así, con el mas mínimo movimiento, se apretaría las bolas y desistiría de seguir. Encerrado y completamente inmóvil, solo podía tratar de quitarse la mordaza de la boca,  así podría pedir ayuda para que alguien lo liberara...o se aproveche de el al verlo tan vulnerable...todo puede ser XD.

En este dibujo tenemos el cameo de Maxwell y Mista J, por ser mecenas de mas de 10 dólares.



Mista J

Thank you so much for letting my character have a cameo! The poster looks so cool and the picture itself is fantastic.

Mista J

I like you very much! I’ve also always been curious to see Diego in some wrestling gear. This was a great first step. 🙂