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Greetings everyone!!  Hope you all had a great week!  Took it a little easy this week after last weekend at C2E2.  I definitely feel the exhaustion after the cons now days, but it's still a blast and we look forward to it every time!  When I get back home though, I always need a bit of an easy couple days just to recouperate and get back into work mode.  So I didn't get a chance to edit much of 1983 this week, but I did go see a bunch of movies for the livestream tonight.  Click here to set your alerts for tonight's stream:  rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2

Plus leave us your questions or comments below from now till 12:30pm Central, and have a great Easter weekend!  


Nicklas Thoft Jensen

Hi Brad. Bit of a silly question here. Would you rather spend Easter? 1) going on an extended nature walk with Alan from “Return to “Sleepaway Camp” (fair warning, he will try and touch you). 2) take a glorious trip on a sailboat with Sol from “Windy City” (again, he will try and touch you) 3) or babysit an unruly and screaming Bob from “House by the Cemetery”(he won’t touch you but you’ll have to kiss him goodnight when tucking him in). Just a little something to think about. Anyways have a great Easter and keep up the good work.

Nathan Palmer

Did you ever get the chance to see the new Guy Ritchie film Operation Fortune? I rented it the other day.


lol great question. Lets see, Alan would just be obnoxious and someone would try to kill me. Babysitting Bob would be ok, except that it's in the house, which has the monster which will definitely kill me graphically. So I'll have to go with Sol. The only thing that died there was a Sol, and then respectfully shot out of a cannon.


I didn't unfortunately. It came out when I had to do some things out of town, and I tried making time to go see it, but there was always something else that came up that I had to see instead.