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Greetings everyone!!  Just posted up the poll for the next Cinema Snob, this one having to do with some 1961 exploitation flicks!  That episode will go up for early viewing next week, and also coming up next week for early viewing will be the first couple parts in 1983 in Film.  If you haven't checked it out yet, the Snob episode on Puppet Master II is also available here as well, and the Scream 2 episode is still in copyright limbo lol

Leave us your questions or comments below from now till 1:30pm Central, and have an awesome day!  


Jessica Jeffery

Deepthroat 2 is still one of my favourite Snob episodes. I’ve literally watched every single thing you’ve ever put on your website. My absolute favourite is hooker with a heart of gold and Pierre Kirby week (namely because I do tae kwon do)


Thank you so much!! I've still gotta do the final Pierre Kirby movie at some point. That'll be a fun one to do, I've seen it before, and the wraparound footage isa remake of Ms 45. I love Hooker with a Heart of Gold too! Of the movies I directed, I still think that's probably the best one.

Jessica Jeffery

Pretty please do the final pierre Kirby movie as a special anniversary episode!!!