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Greetings folks!!  Just wanted to let you all know that I'm back, hard at work at getting more content up.  I know it's been a little quiet here recently, but we needed to take our much needed time off.  Thanks so much for all your kind words about Lloyd, it means a lot to all of us!  

Just wanted to keep you guys in the loop, today I started work on the Children of the Corn Cinema Snob episode, and that should be up for early viewing tomorrow.  I'm also almost done with the 1961 in Film episode which should also be posted for early viewing this week.

I've got a couple obligation episodes to do, like Scream 2 and Leprechaun Back 2 The Hood, but after that, the Patreon episode polls will be back and a lot more frequently.  I've got a really good schedule worked out moving forward, and that includes a lot more content coming here for early viewing, largely because regular Cinema Snob episodes are coming back, and I've put together a good Midnight Screenings schedule too.  I'll be doing another AMA this week as well.

Thank you all so much for your patience, and hopefully you enjoy the Children of the Corn episode.  I hadn't seen that one since high school, so it was fun to revisit it.  


The Almighty Bunghole

Rest in Peace, Lloyd. I can understand how you feel. I had to put down my cat, Molly last year and it hit me harder than I thought it would.

Amiel Atabaki

I am excited to have a funny comparison for Scream VI vs Friday the 13th Part VIII Jason Takes Manhattan