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Greetings everyone!  Hope you enjoyed the first two parts of the 1961 in Film episode!  Plus the Patreon version contains the flubs that'll have to be fixed in the final version lol.  Next week we should have early viewing posted of the next Cinema Snob episode too, on My Bloody Valentine 3D from 2009.  Leave us your questions and comments below from now till 3pm Central and have a great weeend!


Jordan Shaw

Hi Brad! I don't have a question, but I wanted to say I can't wait to see the review for My Bloody Valentine (2009)! I love that movie, but I think it'll have some amazing material to riff on. I hope you have a great day :-)


Thank you so much!! :D It's been a fun one to revisit, I saw it in the theater and loved it, especially with the 3D. It still totally holds up and has a lot of great kills in it. Another fun thing about watching it is that when I saw it in the theater I didn't know who Jensen Ackles was, and now watching it I can throw in some references to The Boys and Supernatural lol.


Do you do public votes on movie picks anymore?