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Greetings everyone!  Hope you've all had a great week!  I've been doing a lot of writing on 1961 this week, I had to replace a couple of editing days with writing days since I blew my voice out last weekend acting in a new series.  It was a total blast to do, it's an upcoming series from Jim Jarosz called "Space Trash" where I play a junk boss.  I should be back to editing on Monday, so there will be another part of the 1961 video posted then.  Also Jerrid and I shot a Midnight Screenings review for The Villain which should be up soon too.  

Leave us your questions or comments below from now till 1pm Central, and have an awesome day!



Do you do public votes on movie picks anymore?

Jacob Matthew Crawford

One more quick of questions if you got a minute... 1) Do you think FIREBIRD 2015 AD (1981) with Darren McGavin could work for a Cinema Snob episode? 2) What are your thoughts on THE FACULTY (1998) by Robert Rodriguez? 3) Best Stephen King movie written for the screen by King himself?


1. With a title like that, absolutely lol. Though I probably should have done that in 2015 :P. 2. I remember it being entertaining, but the effects are pretty awful. I like the scene with Jon Stewart. 3. Creepshow, Silver Bullet and Cat's Eye are his best scripts. Pet Sematary is a good one too.