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Greetings everyone!!  Welcome to today's AMA!  Uploading now is this year's Worst Movies of 2022 video.  It's just going through copyright checks at the moment, which is taking a little longer than normal, since the video is 90 minutes long.  Also tomorrow I should have the first part of 1961 in Film posted up for early viewing.

Leave us your questions or comments below from now till 3:30pm Central, and have an awesome week!


Nathan Palmer

One more question, whenever you give a bad movie an F, do you sometimes say to yourself " at least it's better than Nukie"?


lol no but perhaps I should start doing that :P Usually I'm thinking that the movie should take it as a compliment, since it's pretty rare I dish out the honor of giving something an F. It's really gotta be a special kind of bad for that.


Do you do public votes on movie picks anymore?