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Greetings everyone!  Finally feeling a bit better after the short flu I had.  It's definitely flu season around here as a lot of people here were getting it, so I knew my turn was going to be soon.  Luckily it was light enough that I was still able to get a lot of editing done while still being plenty medicated!  1960 in Film is all done, and the full video will be posted here for early viewing soon.  

In the meantime, from now till 2:45pm Central, leave us your questions or comments below, and have an awesome weekend!  


Matt Fleurant

Any chance we'll ever get Snob reviews on Dawn or Day Of The Dead?


I've wanted to do one on Day of the Dead for a long time. It's a super underrated film, and I'm glad it gets a lot of love today. Dawn I think is the best of the movies, but Day has one of the greatest villains of the 80s, which is Rhodes.

Nathan Palmer

Have you heard of a Denzel movie called " Out of Time"? It's really good


I remember when this came out, but I never did see it. It came out in 2003 when there was a lot of stuff I was missing in theaters.