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Happy Tuesday folks!!  Hope you're all having a great day.  I'm trying to squeeze a lot of stuff in before we go to Grand Rapids Comic Con this weekend.  I'm almost done writing all of the 1960 in Film episode, and my goal is to have the full episode posted for early viewing Wednesday next week.  Then I'll be working on a double feature episode of the 2 Jack Frost horror movies.  

Leave us your questions or comments below from now till 4:30pm Central and have an awesome week!


Nathan Palmer

What are your thoughts now on the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake? I remember listening to you mentioning it on your "Day of the Dead" 2008 review and you said it was not the movie you grew up with.


I'm not a huge fan of the 2004 Dawn remake. Granted it's way way way better than than 2008 Day of the Dead, and I also like it better than Diary of the Dead and Survival of the Dead. There's things about it that work, like the opening sequence; but it pretty much takes everything smart and unique about Romero's movie and reduces it down to a standard zombie action movie. Some of the characters in it kinda suck, and their decision to leave the mall near the end is just stupid. I don't think it's a bad movie, it just pales in comparison to the original.

Nathan Palmer

One more thing regarding George Romero movies, what are thoughts on the remake of The Crazies. IMO it was an superior version of the original. Also I dug Creepshow 2 even though it wasn't was good as the first one.


I liked the remake of the Crazies a lot! I don't know if I'd say it's better than the original necessarily, since there's still parts of the original that stick with me, especially the quietness of it and the "oh" death scene near the end. But the remake was still very solid. Creepshow 2 is fun too! If anything it's the 2nd part on the raft that makes that movie, but the hitchhiker one is kinda great too in it.