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Happy Monday everyone!  Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!  The Cuckoo Patrol episode will be going public today, and then later this week we're back to horror movies, as the next Snob episode for early viewing will be for the 2016 horror film Terrifier.  Perfect timing for the release of Terrifier 2!  Also we'll have reviews posted for The Munsters, and whatever Monday Mystery Movie showing they're doing at the Regal tonight lol.  Plus next week Jerrid and I will be getting together for more Midnight Screenings.

Leave us your questions and comments below from now till 1:30pm Central, and have a great day!


Adam Lentz

Hulk Hogan's No Holds Barred is one of those movies that apparently happened.


lol Surprisingly I never did see this one, but I remember the trailers for it like it was yesterday!


Weird question and I'm not quite sure how to phrase it, but lately I've been thinking that it seems like for the last decade or so, the horror genre has been disproportionately good compared to other genres. Like I feel like there are dozens of amazing horror films that have come out, almost an endless list of them. Whereas other genres, there are definitely a handful of standout films, but... I don't know. It just feels like horror has a lot more going on than say, action, or comedy, or drama. Do you think there's any merit to that? Or am I just blowing smoke.