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On a desolate planet far from the Spider-Society and its home planet, Knull fell through a portal, which snapped shut behind him. He landed with an air of fury, his loyal symbiotes writhing in subservience beneath him. Dark power emanated from him, even causing hesitation among his devoted followers.

The barren landscape echoed with the weight of his presence, the planet shaking with his anger.

Just as Knull prepared to unleash his wrath, Peter appeared before him, teleporting over instead of using a portal. A casual wave and a simple "Yo" he greeted the eldritch god, who stared at the unexpected Spider-Man with bewilderment. The audacity of addressing him so casually left Knull speechless, his anger momentarily forgotten.

Peter, ever the wisecracker, broke the silence. "So, what did the Council of Kangs promise you? Must've been something enticing for someone of your power level to come all the way here."

Confusion etched across Knull's face, unaccustomed to such casual dialogue from his enemies. “?”

Usually, his enemies would either be serious heroes of justice, who took everything seriously and strived for his death, or they were cowering buffoons, kneeling at his feet, begging him to spare their insignificant lives.

Peter, undeterred, raised a brow and continued, "What? Can't tell me? It's not like it matters. One of us will probably be dead by the end of this. Well, you'll be dead, but I'm sure you don't believe that… At least not yet."

Scoffing at Peter's boldness, Knull replied, "You think you can kill me? Alright, draw my blood, and I'll gladly tell you all you want to know."

Of course, Knull knew that accomplishing such a feat was far beyond what Peter was capable of. After all, he was a god who’s slaughtered and feasted on the flesh of Celestial beings. How could a mere mortal cause him to bleed?

“Say less…” With a smirk, Peter accepted the challenge and vanished in a blur of pure speed, bypassing Knull's army effortlessly. He reappeared before the dark god, a silver dagger materializing in his hand, thanks to one of the many abilities he’s stolen from the deceased Silver Surfer.

Knull, anticipating the attack, raised his hand to catch the dagger, a disappointed look on his face. He expected at least a little bit more from this opponent. Especially after all of his big talk up until now.

However, just as Knulls fingertips touched the dagger, Peter vanished again, leaving the eldritch god puzzled. Untraceable and undetectable, Peter seemed to disappear completely this time, leaving his opponent bewildered before a moment before his eyes widened.

Reappearing behind Knull with the same dagger, Peter smirked, “Oops~”

As the silver blade pierced Knull's back, digging into his lungs, blood spilled from his mouth, a rare sight for a being such as himself. The audacious Spider-Man had managed the impossible, leaving Knull stunned with blood dripping from his back and mouth.

The dark god, coughing up blood, turned to see Peter calmly holding the dagger. With a wicked grin, Peter remarked, "Well, looks like I made you bleed. Now, spill the beans."

The once-confident Knull, now wounded and humbled, struggled to comprehend the situation. "Impossible," he muttered, his arrogance shattered.

Knull, his pride wounded and fury consuming him, spun around with an enraged roar. The dagger ripped out of his body as he swung his sword, aiming for Peter's neck. However, the nimble Spider-Man vanished once again, leaving Knull swinging his sword through empty space.

*Boom* Knull over-swung his swords, which impacted the ground below, causing the planet to split and crack upon impact.

Appearing, once again, across from Knull and his small army of goo, Peter twirled the bloody dagger between his fingers with a cocky grin. "How rude..." he commented, savoring the moment.

Knull watched Peter with an infuriated, raging look on his face. His wounds may have healed, thanks to his strong healing factor, but the humiliation lingered, causing his head to ache. The audacity of this man was testing the limits of Knull's patience.

Peter, undeterred, asked, "Are you planning to go against your word or what? Just tell me already…"

Nothing but rage fueling his entire existence, Knull reluctantly replied, "…fine!"

Seeing him agree, Peter smirked, surprised that such an evil being like Knull would actually keep his word. “Good, now, what was your deal with the Council of Kang’s?”

Knull frowned as he answered, “You could say that the Council and I are working towards a similar goal, but you got in their way, so they called in a truce with me. Truthfully, we won’t be working together for much longer…”

“Right…?” Peter muttered as he asked. “And what did they promise you for your assistance?”

“Not much.” Knull replied, his voice gruff and annoyed from having to explain himself. “They opened a portal that freed me from the Abyss, which wasn’t very smart of them. After all, I’m technically a competitor of theirs. Though if I know the Kang’s well enough, then they most likely have many plans to dispose of me…”

Peter nodded his head, a contemplative look on his face. “I see…” but before he could truly take in and process Knulls answers, the evil god rushed forward, his sword in hand, unleashing a torrent of dark energy.

“Enough talk!” Knull shouted, his mind and body the picture of a frenzied maniac. “It’s time for you to die now!”

The fight continued, each clash of their weapons destroying the barren surroundings. Knull and Peter seemed to be testing the waters, probing each other's powers and abilities before going all out against one another.

Peter, dodging and weaving with unmatched agility, taunted, "Come on, you're not even trying. What? Are you anemic or something? Is that why you’re so pale?"

Knull, seething with anger, unleashed a barrage of symbiote tendrils from the small army that followed his every move, aiming to ensnare his opponent. However, Peter knew the Symbiotes weakness and had no problem exploiting it.

*CLAP!!!* Clapping his hands together with a resounding force, the air around them on impact as the sound traveled outward, carrying toward Knull and his Symbiotes.

Of course, Knull was fine as it was just a little sound to him. Nothing to worry about, but the same couldn’t be said for his followers. The Symbiotes, who were in the middle of attacking Peter, suddenly froze before wriggling in pain, their bodies pooling to the floor, no longer under control.

Realizing how annoying the Symbiotes will be if he doesn’t take care of them now, Peter's mind swiftly formulated a plan, recalling the other weakness of goo-like beings before him.

Instantly, his eyes gleamed with an intense red hue before searing laser beams shot forth, targeting the pooled, defenseless Symbiotes writhing on the ground.

*Screech!* The Symbiotes screeched in pain as the heat dug into their bodies.

Knowing that Knull won’t stand by and watch his fillers die for long, Peter decided to speed things up a bit. fueling his heat vision with his connection to the Phoenix force, his eyes brightened into a piping hot orange as the flames quickly engulfed the symbiotic creatures.

The flames spread like wildfire, swiftly consuming the Symbiote army in a blaze that left nothing but ashes in its wake.

The air crackled with heat as Knull, infuriated, witnessed his loyal followers meeting a fiery, swift demise. Their pained screams echoed in the barren landscape, their agony reverberating through their shared hive-like bond.

The audacity of Peter's swift and merciless action left Knull seething with rage, his eyes narrowing in fury as he watched the remnants of his symbiotic army vanish in the flames. Although he didn’t generally care for the lives of his followers, having them killed before him like that was just unacceptable.

Amidst the fiery spectacle, Peter stood undeterred, his expression unyielding. He knew time was of the essence, and with the Symbiotes reduced to ashes, he turned his attention back to the eldritch god. "Looks like your lackeys couldn't handle the heat," Peter taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.

Knull, his eyes burning with a vengeful fire, roared, "You'll pay for this disrespect!" His sword swung with renewed vigor, the dark energy emanating from it pulsating with unrestrained anger.

Peter, nimble and fast, went in the defensive, avoiding Knulls chaotic bombardment. "Why so serious? It was just a little heat. I mean, who knew they would all get incinerated? Don’t take it too personally.” he continued taunting, his voice cutting through the tension. The fight raged on, the planet trembling beneath the force of their collisions.

The dark god's frustration grew with every word that left his opponents mouth, evident in his eyes that burned with an otherworldly rage. He swung his sword with relentless force, aiming to bisect Peter with every attack.

In a brief moment of respite, Peter quipped, "You know, for an evil, eldritch god, you're a pretty nice guy. After all, I never thought you would get so angry after seeing their minions get slaughtered like weak little vermin..."

Knull, fueled by pure wrath, unleashed a wave of darkness that surged towards his talkative enemy. Peter, however, anticipated the attack and swiftly countered with his own purple energy, which canceled each other out, leaving Knull seething in frustration.

Taking a few breaths as the battle came to a brief pause, Knull decided to start using his head and control his anger, as his berserker strategy wasn’t working out.

Disappearing in a burst of speed, Knull attempted to outwit Peter by feigning a sword swing before launching a surprise punch to his face, which carried all of his anger and resentment from all of his opponents annoying taunts. Peter, usually nimble and quick, noticed something on Knull's hand that made him hesitate for a split second…

A tattoo of a laughing skull.

"Wait a minute. Is that-?" Peter began to mutter, his mind racing to make sense of the familiar symbol.

However, before he could finish his sentence, Knull's deceptive fist connected with his face. The impact sent Peter hurtling backward, crashing into a large hill. The ground trembled as dust billowed into the air, shrouding the aftermath of the unexpected blow.


Meanwhile, back at the Spider-Society…

Finally left alone with his most hated enemy, Uncle Ben stepped forward, eying his armless opponent with a bloodthirsty look on his face. This was his moment, the moment he could finally avenge his family.

‘Peter… May… I won’t let him get away with it anymore…’ As he stood before Miguel, Uncle Ben said, "Get up!" His voice held a menacing, commanding edge.

A/N: 1780 words :)


Rolando Mejia

Oh yeah Ben get some payback, though unfortunately the other spiders might step in. Noir might hold them back though as he might think that Miguel is worse than those nazis he kills


Thanks for the chapter