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Writing late tonight as always :)

Update: I started the outline for the next fanfic that will come after I’m Spider-Man is finished. It’s going to be a Marvel & Star Wars crossover, where the MC becomes Star-Lord and is taken from Yondu (This Yondu is a lot more evil than his MCU counterpart) by the Jedi Order to become a Jedi. Though obviously, he’s Star-Lord, so he won’t remain a Jedi forever. He can’t live as a chaste monk for long.

Would you guys like me to post it here on patreon early, so that I can get some early feedback, or wait until I’m Spider-Man ends? Either way, the usual uploads for I’m Spider-Man won’t be interrupted whatsoever. We have around 5 arcs/storylines to go (give or take) before I’m Spider-Man comes to a close, so there’s still a lot of time. Also, give me ideas for the female lead(From Marvel or Star Wars), though Star-Lord will sleep around a lot before he settles down with anyone. He is Star-Lord after all.

Ps- It kinda makes me sad that I’m Spider-Man is going to end, but I’m a bit happy too since this will be the first fanfic that I’ve actually finished until the very end.

Ps2- I also thought about doing an Orochimaru Naruto Fanfic, but Star Wars mixed with Marvel feels like a good match. I’ve never written anything Star Wars related so it’s a bit of a challenge, I guess.


KingSpy25i .

I think I've said this before but this is a very good idea. The Thing is, I wonder if you're gonna be taking information from cartoons and movies only or if you're gonna try to mix up a little bit of video games and comic too. But if you do that, it'll be a little complicated at the same time so I don't know. What I mean by complicated is, the games and the movies and cartoons are very different from each other timeline wise and the game version actually has more difficult enemies and adversaries, but at the same time shows more powerscales than in the movies and cartoons, because in the movies and cartoons, they do don't scale the power the jedi's and people in the dark side have. Other than that, like I said, it's all depending if you go the cartoon/movie route or you go a little bit of mix, with televised and video games, because if you go with adding video games, then there's a lot of people you can add as the main romance lead, for the other It could just be a little bit Marvel and a little bit of Starwar. Sorry if I went to far because of my little rant, although it's not a rant but you know what I mean.


Yeah, I was thinking of mainly following the movies and adding in a bit from comics and animations to flesh things out and add some spice. I’m still writing the outline but I’m stuck at the moment. I need to figure out what time to start the story. I don’t want to add the MC so early that he can just tell the Jedi about Sidious and ruin the story, but I also kind of want him to get a bit of a head start and maybe take Anakin as an apprentice… It’s hard to choose. I’m starting to wonder whether I should just have the MC find a Holocron and learn about the force through that instead of joining the Jedi. That way he can’t just out Palpatine within the first few chapters. Maybe a Revan Holocron? And become a grey Jedi. Or maybe a sith Holocron, so that he won’t be able to visit the Jedi and out Palpatine. Any thoughts?

KingSpy25i .

First of all, I think it is a great idea to put him a little early in the timelime and maybe help out anakin better so even if he does become a jedi, he won't be so easy to sway to the dark side and the MC can be like an emotional support and a teacher, in a way, to help him get past his dark feelings and become a more stable adult with a with a better view of the world, not just black & white. For the holocron, I think that's also a great idea because that way, he won't be on one side or the other, he'll be a neutral force If you will and for a idea that might help out, I found this that could be extremely interesting, that way he can stay in the neutral force in a more literal sense. ------"Holocron fusions were performed by activating a Jedi and Sith holocron at the same place and time. The two holocrons would be drawn together and merge, giving those performing the rite the answers to any question they asked". Lastly, for your idea of changing the plot with Sidious, I mean, it could have it's ups and downs. Also, in a way, you could also put it where the MC was not a avid fan of the Star Wars movie and only saw them casually, so even if he does have knowledge of star wars, he doesn't have deep knowledge of it and can also have a more natural experience with whatever happens on that side of the universe. Plus you can also have it where Sidious, has tie-in's with other empires politics that way, his character is a little more fleshedoubt and a lot more dangerous because of his influence.


Do you think someone who hasn’t seen Star Wars wouldn’t know about Palpatine? Because I’d like to keep Palpatine in the republic, but I’m not sure how I feel about him being thwarted so early. That’s my dilemma right now.