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After a day of searching for Venom and any other villains that may or may not be out there, everyone returned home for the night, tired from the constant manhunt they’ve been on.

May, being the lovable Aunt she was, invited all of the Spider-Men and Lily to stay at her and Toms apartment. It would be a tight fit, but she was dead set on housing them all for the remainder of their stay.

Peter walked into the living room, his steps light as he just tucked Lily in bed. He found Tom, Tobey, and Andrew sitting around the living room, chatting amongst themselves.

Taking a seat, Peter let out a tired sigh. "She really tired herself out," he said, his voice filled with amusement. "Practiced those energy blasts for a good few hours."

Tom glanced at Peter, a smile playing at his lips. "She's quite something, isn't she? It must be those Parker genes." He said proudly, as if she were his daughter as well.

Peter chuckled, a touch of pride in his voice. "Yeah, she's amazing, isn’t she?"

Tobey, however, remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor. The tension in the room grew, and Peter could sense Tobey's unease. Taking a deep breath, he decided to address the elephant in the room.

"Tobey, do you remember me?" Peter asked, his voice gentle but carried the tiniest bit of amusement.

Tobey's head snapped up, surprise and confusion written across his face. He looked at Peter for a moment, his earlier doubts completely vanished. ‘It’s him!’

In a flash, Tobey leaped out of his seat, his body tense and ready for a fight. His fists clenched at his sides as he launched himself at Peter, a punch aimed straight for his face. The blow connected, and Peter's head snapped to the side.

"I deserve that," Peter said, his voice calm as he touched his cheek, his eyes fixed on Tobey. "But you only get one."

Tobey, fueled by his anger and confusion, tried to go in for another attack, but this time, Peter wouldn’t allow it. With quick reflexes, he caught Tobey's fist mid-air, effortlessly halting his advance. A golden rope made of Eldritch Energy materialized, ensnaring Tobey and pulling him back into the seat.

Tobey struggled against the restraints, his eyes filled with frustration. "Let me go, damn it!?" he demanded, his voice laced with a mix of anger and confusion.

Peter held Tobey's gaze, his expression serious. "It’s Just a little spell to keep you from doing anything rash. We need to talk."

The tension in the room was palpable as Tobey glared at Peter, his eyes narrowed. Andrew and Tom watched in silence, unsure of what was happening but ready to intervene if necessary.

Peter leaned forward, his voice holding zero remorse. "So, I take it you didn’t believe my letter?."

Tobey's eyes narrowed, disbelief flashing across his face. "What? The part that said your Aunt May is hotter than mine or that you were sent by a Genie to save my Uncle?"

“I forgot I wrote that...” Peter smirked, holding back a fit of laughter. "But both statements are true." He nodded matter of factly.

“?!” Tom and Andrew stared at Peter in shock.

“What?” Peter asked as he looked at Tom. “Our May’s are pretty hot. Especially compared to the Granny in his world...”

“Hey!” Tobey shouted angrily. “My Aunt May is perfectly fine the way she is!” He defended.

“Dude..." Tom stared at Peter in shock. “Not cool. I didn’t need to hear that. She’s like my mom.”

Peter scoffed. “It’s the truth. Deal with it.” He shrugged uncaringly.

“My Aunt May is good too...” Andrew muttered, feeling that his Aunt was being left out of the argument.

“Who cares about this!” Tobey shouted as he continued to glare at Peter. “You held a gun to the back of my Uncles head...” He revealed, shocking Tom and Andrew.

Peter's voice softened as he spoke, hoping to calm his counterpart down. "I traveled to your universe to save your Uncle Ben. But I also had to teach you a lesson, the same lesson Uncle Ben's death would have taught you. It had to be done. I’m sorry for the way I did it, but I’m not sorry for the outcome."

Tobey's expression flickered between feelings of anger and acceptance. "You... you were really pretending the whole time?"

Peter nods his head. “Yeah, and as soon as you learned your lesson, I was taken out of your universe. Your mission was actually easy compared to his.” He motioned to Andrew.

“What? Did you try and kill his family too?” Tobey asks, still annoyed by the whole situation.

“No, he...” Andrew went on to explain what happened.




As everyone seemed to calm down, Peter eventually released Tobey and the four Spider-Man got to talking about the differences in their lives.

“So, do you have girlfriend or what?” Peter asked Tobey, knowing that his love life was really weird in the movies.

He already knew that Tom had MJ and Andrew had Gwen, so he was curious if his interference helped Tobey with his love problems or not.

“Uhhh, It’s complicated.” Tobey answered awkwardly.

Peter leaned back in his seat expectantly. “Well, explain and maybe the council of Spider-Men can give you some advice.” He offered as the others nodded in agreement.

“You do know that I’m older than all of you by like 10 to 15 years, right?” He stated, feeling odd about taking advice from those younger than him.

“Well, at least we aren’t maidenless.” Peter quips, deflating Tobey’s ego in an instant. “Now explain, old man.”

“You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to...” Andrew says understandingly.

“No, it’s fine.” Tobey shakes his head. ”He might be right. Your opinions could be helpful. It all stared with-”

“Wait!” Peter called out as he rushed to the kitchen and came back with arms full of snacks. “You may begin.” He says as he kicks back and munches on a bag of chips.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, Tobey began his tale of love and heartbreak. “When I was a kid, I met this girl named Mary Jane...”




‘Wow, even in real life I’m not a fan of Tobey’s love interest...’ Peter thought to himself and based on everyone else’s expressions, he wasn’t the only one with that opinion.

Basically, Tobey loved this girl since she moved into the house next door from him. Even when she started dating his bully Flash Thompson, which was a bit messed up since Flash would physically bully Tobey almost all the time, he still loved her.

Thankfully, the two ended up breaking up, but she then ended up dating Tobey’s rich friend, Harry Osborn. Of course, that name brought up some unresolved feelings in Andrew, but this story wasn’t about him.

While dating Harry she basically cheats on him when kissing Tobey, who was disguised as Spider-Man at the time.

Then later on, she gets mad at Tobey for not showing up to the play she was staring in even though she told him she's getting married to someone else, knowing full well that she’s the love of his life.

And finally, when she finds out he's Spider-Man, out of complete nowhere, she wants nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with Tobey, abandoning her fiance at the wedding, who happened to be J. Jonah Jameson’s son by the way, like what the actual f*ck?

And when MJ and Tobey are finally together, she kisses Harry behind his back, who later died while helping fight off some villains, which has now messed up their relationship even more.

“Wow, that was the most f*cked up love story I’ve heard in a very long time.” Peter commented as Tom and Andrew nod along with his words.

“I told you it was complicated.” Tobey reiterates with a depressed sigh.

Tom was the first to speak up, his voice filled with sympathy. "Man, that sounds really rough. It seems like she was never truly interested in you as a person. It's like she was always looking for someone with a higher status or some sort of benefit. You deserve better..."

Andrew nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it’s sounds like she just aiming higher and higher. Flash, captain of the football team. Harry, popular billionaire’s son. J Jonah Jameson Jr., another billionaire’s son, who also happened to be a famous astronaut. Then you, a real life superhero. It’s like she’s climbing the ladder, one guy(d*ck) at a time. I think it's time to move on."

(A/N: Can you tell that I hate the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man’s MJ? Because I really do. The writers really f*cked up her character, in my opinion.)

Peter chimed in, munching on his chips between words. "Honestly, mate, I think you dodged a bullet there. She seems like she's got some serious issues. You should find a girl who doesn’t know you’re Spider-Man and only tell her after your relationship is solid. After all, the hoes love the red and blue, don’t they?" He said with a smirk.

Everyone rolled their eyes, faint smiles tugging at their lips. They knew he wasn’t wrong, but they refused to acknowledge it.

Tobey sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You guys are right. I've held onto these feelings for so long, hoping things would get better. But it's time to let go. I've spent too much time dwelling on MJ when there's a whole world of possibilities out there."

Peter nodded his head. ”Yeah, that’s the spirit. Maybe sleep around a bit too. There’s nothing wrong with being a bit of a man-wh*re while you’re single. We do have the stamina...”

“Please don’t talk about that...” Tom groans as he averts his eyes away from the group.

“Wait a minute...” Peter realizes something. “Please don’t tell me you’re still a virgin?”

Instantly, all eyes turned to Tom, who reddened and refused to look any of them in the eye.

“Oh my god...” Peter muttered in shock. “We need to fix this.”

A/N: 1700 words :)


KingSpy25i .

I love the council of spider-men! Also is everyone still going to forget about Tom in this timeline?

Long Nguyen

I totally agree with you hating MJ from Tobey, but then again, the writer literally keep coming back to that love story for 3 freaking movie. Like come on, isn't Tobey already have to deal with enough crap? Nope, not having enough money, torn between hero and personal life, and taking care of Aunt May are clearly not enough trouble, let's add MJ to the list. That's why we love Tom's MJ, strong, independent, and supportive.