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Entering his penthouse, Peter sat down on the couch beside Genie, staring intently at the list in front of him.

It was a list of all the places in the universe that needed to be cleansed, a list he had received from the Phoenix Force.

He knew that it was now his duty as her destroyer to carry out this mission, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of apprehension.

“Sooo...” Genie peaks over his shoulder at the list. “You going grocery shopping or what?”

“No, I made a deal with the Phoenix Force.” Peter says as he continues to read down the list.

“Huh? What for?” Genie asks fearfully, recalling some bad memories of his past encounters with the angry bird woman.

“Well...” Peter gave him a brief synopsis of Jean's situation.

“Wow, you got ripped off.” Genie commented in amusement. “How is it that you made me sign a whole contract just so I couldn’t rip you off, but some flaming beauty appears and you crumble like a house of cards.”

“Well, for one. She can erase my existence with a simple thought.” Peter admitted his fear without shame. “Compared to her, you’re about as scary as a housefly.”

“Hey! I can be scary too.” Genie floats into the air in front of Peter and turns red as he glares down at him, flames dancing along his body. “Are you shaking in your boots yet?”

“Yeah, it’s just not the same.” Peter looked unimpressed and unafraid.

Seeing this, Genie shrouded his body in a cloud of black smoke before revealing himself once again.

This time, he changed his appearance into a clown with a large head and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

“How about now?” He asked creepily.

“Have you been watching IT?” Peter asks curiously.

“...” Genie instantly deflates as he falls to the floor in defeat, turning back to his normal self. “I can be scary... right?”

“To a child, maybe.” Peter’s unneeded words struck his blue friend like bullets, tearing through his fragile ego.

Ignoring Genie's existential crisis, Peter leaned back into the couch and read over the many names and coordinates that it held.

As he scanned the list, his eyes stopped on the name, Morag.

This planet was an abandoned wasteland that had once held an Infinity Stone. It was a familiar planet for Peter, as he was the one to take the Power Stone from it.

It’s also the planet where he met his Vice Captain, Peter Quill.

‘Morag is as good a place to start as any, I guess.’ Peter thought as he found the first planet that he would destroy.

Taking a deep breath, his heart pounding with anticipation. He knew that this would be a crazy experience, but he was ready for it.

Rising from the couch and stepping around his dejected Genie, Peter waved his hand and opened a portal.

“Wait!” Genie called out, his somber mood completely gone. “Are you going to destroy something? Can I tag along?”

As he asked, all sorts of firepower appeared on Genie's body. From a giant alien bazooka to all sorts of bombs, Genie was ready for some mayhem.

“Sure, let’s go.” Peter nods as he shrouds himself in flames and steps through the portal, followed by an excited Genie.

Of course, he had to use his flames as on the other side of the portal was nothing but open space, outside the atmosphere of Morag.

“You know, you could wish for all of the names on that list to be destroyed and be done with it...” Genie offers as the portal snaps shut behind them.

After all, Peter still had a single wish remaining.

Using it would save him a whole hell of a lot of work, though it would also mean losing Genie.

“What? Are you getting bored or something?” Peter asks, wondering why he would say that. “Ready to return to your lamp for a few millennia?”

“No, I quite like the life that I live now, but you do have the choice.” Genie shook his head.

“Then nah, I’m good.” Peter refused easily. “After all, I can’t have my newest friend disappearing on me. Besides, who knows what kind of nut job will get ahold of you next. The consequences could be rather fatal.”

“...” Genie smiled warmly, ignoring everything but the fact that Peter just called him his friend.

While Genie was off in his daydreams, Peter got straight to work.

Using a quick spell to see if anyone was currently visiting the wasteland that is Morag, Peter thankfully received no feedback, meaning the whole planet was empty.

Which was perfect for his plans.

‘Hmm, how should I do this?’ He wondered and quickly came up with a good idea. “That could work...”

Pulling on the Reality Stone inside of him, Peter tried making the largest structure that he has ever made.

(A/N: Can anyone guess?)

Suddenly, as if being built right in front of him, a massive orb-shaped construct appeared.

Its spherical shape measured over 160 kilometers in diameter, making it one of the largest thing that he has ever constructed with the Reality Stone.

The surface of it is covered in a matte gray metal, with large trenches and concave surfaces creating a labyrinthine maze.

These surfaces are studded with thousands of laser turrets and tractor-beam projectors, creating a formidable defensive network.

At the center of the giant sphere is a huge concave dish, surrounded by multiple rings of docking bays and service ports. These provide access to the sphere's numerous levels and chambers, which house crew quarters, control rooms, detention cells, and other facilities.

Though Peter wouldn’t be using any of this.

After all, the whole thing would disappear without the help of the Power Stone anyway.

As for the thing that Peter would be using.

The giant sphere had many weapons, but the main weapon happens to be a super laser, housed in a dish at the station's equator.

This weapon is capable of destroying entire planets with a single blast, and its sheer power would make the sphere an object of fear and dread throughout any universe.

Peter marveled at his latest creation.

“I-Is that what I think it is?” Genie asked in shock.

“Yup.” Peter nodded as he let out a tired breath. “My own personal Death Star.”

[Insert picture of the Death Star here]

The Death Star, a massive and devastating weapon that has become one of the most iconic symbols of the Star Wars franchise.

Of course, its creation wasn’t so easy.

Peter was absolutely exhausted.

He just used almost every bit of his power to fuel the creation of what’s basically a man-made planet, so of course he would be tired.

“...” Genie was speechless.

After all, he just finished all of the Star Wars movies, so he knew the significance of this weapon.

“Does it work?” Genie asks in awe.

“Let’s find out.” Peter says as he shoots off toward one of the many docking entrances. “First one to the main control room gets to fire the laser! No teleporting or portals!”

“!” Genie's eyes widened as he swiftly shot after Peter, ready to play with their new toy.




After entering the giant space station, Peter and Genie raced through the halls until they finally found the main control room, which looked exactly like the one in the Star Wars movies.

And sadly, for Genie, Peter was the first one through the automatic doors, leaving him completely in the dust.

“It looks like I’m the winner.” Peter smirked as Genie's shoulders slumped.

“Best 2 out of 3?” He asked hopefully.

“Sure.” Peer smirked confidently. “Rock paper scissors?”

Genie nodded as they squared each other up and moved their hands into place.

“”Rock paper scissors... Shoot!”” They kept their eyes on one another and spoke in unison.

Peering down, Genie crumbled to the floor as Peter’s smirk grew larger.

Genie: Rock

Peter: Paper

“They always go rock on the first round...” Peter nods to himself as he leaves Genie behind and starts going over the controls.

Soon enough, he was able to understand the foreign Universe's controls and got straight to work.

Flipping a few switches and inputting a bunch of coordinates, Peter aimed the planet-killing weapon perfectly.

Now, all that was needed was to push a big red button.

‘It’s always a big red button...’ Peter thought as he turned to Genie, who was still sulking on the floor with a small rain cloud above him. “Don’t be so dramatic... I’m about to fire this thing. Don’t you want to watch?”

“!” Genie hopped to his feet and rushed over as he shooed the cloud away.

“You know what?” Peter turns to Genie as he held his hand over the left side of the button. “We can both press it together.”

“Hehe!” Genie laughed as he followed Peter's lead. “Let's do this!”

“3... 2... 1! Go!” Peter counted down as their hands descended, pushing the big button in unison.

Outside, the giant satellite on the side of the Death Star charged as it began to glow in a bright green light.

Quickly, that green light condensed into a single point, shining brightly before shooting out in a single line.

The thick super laser moved with incredible speed before touching down on Morag's surface, drilling into the heart of the planet with ease.

Seconds after the laser struck the planet, Peter and Genie watched through the large window of the control room, as Morag cooked from the inside and began to swell.

Its surface cracked and broke apart as what appeared to be hot magma could be seen bubbling from the inside.

Though this didn’t last long.


Before either of them knew it, the planet exploded in a bright light, sending tiny bits of planetary dust in all directions.


Morag had completely vanished, leaving nothing but open space in its place.

“Damn...” Peter muttered as he powered down the laser.

“Damn...” Genie nodded in agreement.

A/N: 1669 words :) GN 💤