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How do you guys feel about making the Shang-Chi fanfic a chat group story?

Once he settles in, Shang-Chi would get a system with a chat function. No store, gacha, or status. Just the chat and a heavily restricted ability to travel to the other chatters worlds. Maybe for missions or something? I’m not sure yet.

inviting people to the chat would also have to happen in person, meaning that Shang-Chi would have to pick a world to invite from, go there and hand out the invitation himself in person. Only one person per world can join as well.

Maybe a restriction on the amount of members as well?

Also, I was thinking of having the female lead be from another world, just to spice it up. Maybe DC or somewhere one of the chatters idk.

Chat members ideas at the moment:

-Shang-Chi (of course)

-John Wick from you know...

-Batman from DC

-Harry Potter from you know...

-Anakin Skywalker or Yoda? from Star Wars

-Lara Croft (Maybe?) from tomb raider.

-Katniss Everdeen (Maybe?) from hunger games

As you can see, I’m straying away from anime and manga, though I will take suggestions from movies, TV shows, and possibly books if I’ve read it before.

I’m not 100% sure about this so I want feedback from you guys pls. Let me know what you think. Good idea? Bad idea?


Commander Jimmy

No, he should gain his power in life, you never get anything for free, he should endure pain and learn and kill if need be


So.. do you plan on continuing the story? Really liked what you wrote so far. It seemed interesting. :)