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Leaving Tony to work his magic in the control room alongside Nebula, who actually didn’t know much about the Chitauri ships, Peter started clearing out the Chitauri from the remaining ships.

Around a hundred of them would be saved for testing, while the rest were thrown through a portal leading to the sun.

If these were Kree soldiers, Peter wouldn’t have done this, but these were Thanos’ private army of weird bug things. Not only are they creepy, but they have definitely culled multiple planets in the name of the Mad Titans cause.

Knowing this, Peter felt little to no pity as he incinerated thousands of Chitauri soldiers.

Of course, the giant Leviathans in the hangars were left alone, as Tony would be mad if he threw away his most interesting test subjects.

Although some of the other Chitauri ships were blown open and no longer habitable, Peter had a spell for that so his cleaning wasn’t slowed very much.

As for the ships themselves, Peter planned to leave them in orbit for the time being, until he and Tony could figure out how to get them down to earth.

‘I’ll probably have to open a huge portal and drop them in the desert somewhere...’ Peter thought as he floated through a heavily damaged ship with a golden glow covering his body from head to toe.

As Peter was doing this, Tony tore apart yet another control room with Nebula's assistance, though Peter wouldn’t blame him this time around.

The Chitauri’s technology was confusing after all.

‘Even Thanos’ daughter didn’t know how to navigate the damn thing.’


Hours later, Peter finished his clean-up and returned to Tony, who didn’t look to be anywhere near understanding the Chitauri ship's controls.

“Any breakthroughs?” Peter asks as he walks into a gutter control room.

“Nope, this one may take a few days...” Tony says with a stumped look on his face.

“Alright, I'm gonna head back to earth and put the remaining Chitauri in storage or something,” Peter says as he walks off. “I’ll be back when I have time.”

“Bring me food!” Tony yells and receives a confirming wave in reply as Peter leaves the control room.


After carrying the remaining Chitauri through a portal and storing them in a locked room near Tony’s workshop, not including the Leviathans, Peter returned home to let everyone know they can leave.

After all, he told them to stay in the house until he tells them otherwise.

Stepping through a portal to his living room, Peter found it completely empty and soon noticed the time.

[6:00 AM]

‘They’re probably asleep...’ Peter thought as he deactivated the house's defenses and went to his bedroom.

On the bed, Ned's family slept in their forced slumber.

“MJ must be in one of the guest rooms.” Peter mutters as he portals Ned's family back to their house and removes the spell that kept them asleep.

Returning home before they woke up, Peter threw his sheets in the wash, as he felt weird about people other than him and MJ sleeping in his bed.

“You’re back!” May exclaims as she leaves her bedroom to find Peter in the hall.

“Yeah, both waves of aliens were taken care of.” Peter says as May grabs him in a warm hug.

“Wait...” She says as she pulls back. “Both waves?”

“Yeah, after the press conference, the second half of their army arrived, though they were pretty easy to handle.” Peter says with a shrug.


After talking to May for a bit, Peter learned about the shower of alien ship parts that fell to earth from their battle.

“It didn’t take long for everyone to figure out that the stuff falling from the sky was from the aliens you were fighting.” May explains.

“Hmm, I’m probably going to have to confiscate all of that...” Peter muttered.

“I would act quickly if I were you.” May says as she sips her morning coffee. “A bunch of companies have been joining the clean-up. They say it’s out of the goodness of their hearts, but It’s obvious that they just want to get as much alien tech as they can before anyone steps in.”

Seeing as he had a lot to do, Peter left the house before anyone else could wake up.


First, he took a quick trip to In-N-Out and dropped off some food to Tony and Nebula.

“What is this?” Nebula asks as she stares warily at her first-ever burger and fries.

“It’s food, try it.” Tony says as he starts tearing through his own burger.

“...” Copying Tony’s way of eating, Nebula grabbed the burger with two hands and took a bite. “!”

Instantly, her eyes go wide as she looks down at the burger in shock.

“It’s good, right?” Peter says with a knowing smile.

Without another word, Nebula started eating at a faster pace than Tony, devouring her food like a champion speed eater.


After giving his workers some food, Peter returned to the Kree Flagship.

“Jarvis, you here?” Peter asks.

“Yes, sir.” He replies in an instant. “How can I be of service?”

“I need you to broadcast my image to every TV on Earth, like what Ronan did. Is it possible after all of Tony’s destruction?” Peter asks.

“Yes, sir. Would you like to begin now?” Jarvis confirms.

“No, find a secluded place to land the Kree Fleet on Earth first.” Peter says as Jarvis goes quiet for a moment.

“... A desert Region with open space would be preferential,” Jarvis says as a map appears in front of Peter with many marked locations.

“Let’s do the Mojave Dessert for now.” Peter just picked one at random. “We can move them later if needed.”

“Yes, sir. Should we move out now?” Jarvis asks.

“Yeah, though, set a course for New York City. I want to show off a bit before we land.” Peter says and every Kree ship forms up and descends into Earth's atmosphere.

“Course set.” Jarvis informs.

“Good, when we’re above New York, I want the ships to hover there. Then we can start the broadcast.” Peter instructs.

“Yes, sir.”


New York City, Alias Investigations.

As Jessica Jones clocked in for work, she found her new lackey sleeping on the floor behind her desk hugging an empty bottle of liquor as usual.

Loki Odinson.

“Hey, wake up you lazy bum!” Jessica says as he shakes him with her boot.

“Uhh...” Loki slowly wakes up and turns to see her standing over him. “Go away, you pesky woman...”

“You’re sleeping in my office rent-free, not to mention all of the money you owe me!” Jessica says as she kicks him this time.


Before he knew what was coming, Loki was swept off of the floor and hit the nearby wall.

“We have work to do, so get dressed and meet me downstairs, or else...”

Leaving that small threat behind, Jessica grabbed a file from her desk and left the room.

“Sigh...” Loki watched her leave as he uncorked his bottle, bringing it to his lips.

Tilting the bottle upwards, not a single drop flowed into his mouth.

“F*ck...” Loki muttered as he tossed the empty bottle across the room.


Every since Loki was banished to Midgard, he tried his best to do any kind of magic, but nothing seemed to work. Even the external Magic, which required no magic of his own, seemed unresponsive to his call.

Instantly, Loki knew that this was his fathers doing. A sort of extra punishment on top of his banishment and a newfound mortal body.

Without his magic, Loki started to descend into a downward spiral. He drank like the worst kind of alcoholic and lived like a bum.

The only thing keeping him in one place was the odd mortal woman, who was far stronger than any Midgardian should be.

He told himself that he was staying to repay his debt, but Loki could slip away from her watchful gaze at any moment. Even without magic, he is a very capable man after all.

The real reason he stays at the beck and call of a mortal woman is fairly simple, though he would never admit it to himself.

Cleaning himself up in the small bathroom in the office, Loki meets Jessica outside on the sidewalk.

As he stepped outside, Loki noticed an odd shade blocking the sun. Meanwhile, Jessica and everyone else craned their necks upwards and stared at the sky.

“...” Following their gaze, Loki found twenty Kree warships floating above the city. ‘What are the Kree doing here?’

A/N: 1435 words. Sorry it’s really late today. Next chapter coming soon.


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