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On Halloween night, the Great Hall is decorated with floating Jack O'Lanterns in place of the usual candles. The place was packed with students eating and celebrating Halloween.

To some, mainly older and traditional Wizarding families, this is the night of Samhain. To them, this is a good night to perform a ritual, but that wasn’t allowed in Hogwarts without prior approval and supervision.

Unlike in the movie, everyone was in the Great Hall except a few students that have detention due to constant rule breaks. Normally they would be allowed to join everyone for dinner, but since it’s a celebration, the Headmaster decided to bar them from the festivities as punishment.

Though the elves will be bringing them dinner, so they aren’t being starved.

These children included Draco and his crew along with the Weasley twins, who have become constant detention goers due to their pranks. They refused to give up their pranking ways and turned into outlaws. Always trying to find a way to get away with their crimes.

Bruce finds them the most entertaining out of all the rule-breakers. Though sometimes he thinks their pranks go over the line of harmless fun.

With Hermione and everyone else out of harm's way, Bruce planned to just relax, eat some food, and allow the teachers to handle the whole Troll incident.

Soon enough, the two giant doors of the great hall swung open, and in staggered a panicked Professor Quirrell.

“TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOLLL IN THE DUNGEON!!” He wails as Dumbledore rises from his seat in concern. ”Thought you ought to know.” Quirrell mutters as he tips over and falls face-first onto the floor.

‘He’s certainly is committed to the role, isn’t he?’ Bruce admired the possessed teachers acting.

The room goes silent for a moment, but that doesn’t last very long. Instantly, every student begins to freak out, screaming. Some even started running around in fright.

“SILLLLLEEENNNNCEEEEE!” The Headmaster yells commandingly, calming the students down fairly quickly. “Please don’t panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons.”

Before everyone could assemble and move out, Bruce stands and quickly makes his way to Dumbledore’s side.

“Sir, I think it may be safer to have the students remain in the Great Hall with the door locked and a teacher to watch over them.” Bruce speaks more respectfully than normal due to all the other staff members surrounding his teacher.

Not that he’s not normally respectful, but he and Albus aren’t fans of being overly formal with one another. Though the staff looked down on him with questioning looks, so Bruce clarifies a bit more.

“A troll may be slow and dumb but they can still move, which means it may not be in the dungeon anymore. Who knows which of the many staircases it could have taken. If you don’t agree with that possibility then you can at least understand that the Slytherin dorms are in the dungeon, where the Troll is reported to be.” Bruce explains as the staff members began to nod along with every point he made.

“Yes, it seems I made a rash decision.” Dumbledore says and addresses the students, who were just about to begin leaving for their common rooms. “STOP!”

After getting everyone’s attention, Dumbledore changes his earlier instruction and tells everyone to return to their tables. Before leaving to find the troll, Professor Snape is chosen to stay behind and watch/guard the children.

Professor Quirrell is left on the floor and completely forgotten about, which is what he wanted. It’s too bad the Professor turned infiltrator won’t be getting what he wants tonight though.

The possessed Professor planned to distract everyone with a troll so he would have time to investigate the third-floor corridor and hopefully steal the Philosophers Stone.

Too bad Professor Snape is now here to watch his every move, which certainly throws a wrench in the Dark Lords' plans. Though it’s not like he’s going to get past Fluffy anyways.

While Bruce was returning to his table to finish eating, Albus looked at him and seemed to come up with an idea.

“Mr. Wayne!” He calls out, stopping Bruce in his tracks.

‘I have a bad feeling...’ He thought as he turned to see his smiling teacher.

That smile is never good. It only comes out when he has some sort of trial and tribulation planned for Bruce to go through.

“Yes...” Bruce replies with a dreadful look.

“Come along with us.” Albus says and begins to walk out without another word.

The staff wanted to rebut the Headmasters decision, but before they could say anything Bruce and Albus were already leaving the room. To not be left behind the staff followed along, squashing their complaints.

As they left the room and the other Professors caught up, Albus turned around and waved his wand, slamming the doors shut and transfiguring them into a reinforced iron wall.

“That should hold in case the Troll slips by us.” Albus says and turns towards the Professors. “Due to the problem children in detention, we should send some reinforcements to guard them. Maybe escort them back to the Great Hall if you think it’s safe. Filius and Minerva do you mind?.”

“Of course not.” “Sure.” They said and immediately broke off from the group to attend to the problem students.

Bruce, Albus, and the rest of the Professors went looking for the Troll. It was reported to be in the Dungeon, though enough time has passed for it to make its way to some of the higher floors.

Making his way towards the nearest portrait, Bruce asks where the troll is. He knows the portraits are connected and used for surveillance, so why not use them in this instance.

At first, it didn’t want to answer, but once the portrait saw Albus and the other teachers behind him, it fired off an answer instantly.

“It's taking the west wing staircase up to the second floor as we speak.” The man in the portrait informs.

“Hmm, it seems you were right, Bruce.” Albus says as he starts walking.

Everyone falls in step behind him as they climb the stairs. Drawing their wands in preparation for the fight to come.

A/N: Starting another chapter when I’m done eating. Be out in a couple hours.


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