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After Harry went through different magical treatments, like potions, salves, spells, etc, Madam Pomfrey told Harry to come to her office every morning. He had to take a regiment of potions and salves every day for the next month.

Luckily, this would speed up his recovery and put his body and growth back on track by the end of the school year.

Madam Pomfrey even encouraged Harry to follow Bruce in his morning exercises as she saw him this morning with the other staff members.

“I was already planning to.” Harry muttered to himself.

After seeing how Bruce looked this morning, Harry and the others were ready to follow Bruce every morning. They would later regret this.

With everything done, Bruce and Harry returned to the Gryffindor common room, where Hermione, Ron, and Neville were waiting for them.

“Where did you guys go?” Hermione asked as they walk over.

Harry looks over at Bruce, hoping he doesn’t say anything.

“We went exploring.” Bruce says with a shrug.

“Next time wait for us. We were stuck here waiting for you two.” Ron says with annoyance clear in his voice.

“Sorry guys.” Harry apologizes for the seventh time since they arrived at Hogwarts.

“Alright, let's move on.” Bruce says, drawing everyone’s attention. “Seeing as we have classes in two days, I say we hit the library and get a study group started.”

If these people are going to be members of Bruce’s Justice League, then they have to be the best of the best. He won’t settle for anything less

Especially when looking back at how dumb and lazy Ron and Harry were in the first movie. What type of children that are enrolled in a magical school wouldn’t at least read some of their books? Or find a spell to practice.

He wouldn’t allow them to waste their time and potential.

“What? No way!” Ron looks horrified.

“What’s wrong Ronald? We’re in school, so we should study...” Hermione responds while looking at Ron as if he were an idiot.

“Bloody hell, woman. You’re bonkers if you think I’m wasting my Saturday studying in a stuffy library.” Ron rants and looks to Harry and Neville for support.

“I see, then let’s put it to a vote. All for studying as we should, raise your hand.” Bruce says and raises his hand.

Quickly following him is Hermione and then Harry. Seeing the majority already decided it, Neville raised his hand as well. He is fairly new to the group so he’s just going with the flow.

“The majority has decided. Looks like we’re studying.” Bruce says and looks toward Ron.

Being the stubborn child he is Ron storms off and leaves the common room.

“Should we go after him?” Neville asks.

“No, he’ll be back.” Bruce says as he turns to Hermione. “I have to do something really quick. While I’m gone, I put Hermione in charge of the study group. Go to the library and get started with potions. That’s our first class on Monday.”

Without giving them time to ask anything, Bruce leaves just as quickly as Ronald did. He has a meeting with Dumbledore after all.

Giving the gargoyle the password, Bruce ascends the Headmasters tower and enters his teacher's office.

Sitting at the big oak desk, Albus stared off out the window in a similar manner to Harry in the nurses office. He felt failure for the umpteenth time and still didn’t like this feeling.

He has failed friends.

He has failed his family.

He has failed allies.

He has failed students.

And now he’s failed Harry Potter.

The poor old man has put the weight of the world on his shoulders multiple times and it seems to have left some strain on him.

He hasn’t seemed to notice Bruce’s arrival, or he’s just ignoring him.

“There is no point in regretting for things that have happened, though it makes a monumental difference to think of a solution or idea to change the unexpected outcome or effects of the choices made.” Bruce says like a wise sage as he takes a seat.

“Truly, you are too perceptive for your age.” Albus says as he looks toward Bruce. “How did you figure it out?”

“You reek of regret. There’s only one reason to feel that way.” Bruce says matter of factly. “You had something to do with Harry being placed with his relatives.”

“I was the one to make the decision and deliver him to those animals.” Albus says with a bit of venom at the end, which surprised Bruce a little.

‘Damn, he’s really pissed...’ He thought.

“Your head of house, Professor McGonagall tried to warn me about the Dursleys, but I didn’t listen and now here we are.” Albus sighs defeatedly.

“Now that we got the self-pity and regret out of the way, let’s get down to business, shall we?” Bruce offers, causing Albus to clear his throat and straighten up.

“Yes, quite right.” Albus agrees.

“Good, now what’s this about Harry needing to be near his family?” Bruce gets straight to the heart of the matter.

Dumbledore looks at Bruce for a moment, as if contemplating what to say, and finally opens his mouth after a tired sigh.

“What I say here cannot be repeated elsewhere. Am I understood?” He says seriously, causing a sort of gravity to fill the room.

“You have my word.” Bruce promises.

“Good, because what I’m about to say could cause massive problems should it ever leave this room.” He says, making sure Bruce understands fully.

“I get it. If I open my mouth, bad things happen.” Bruce reaffirms.

“Good, so what do you know of the Dark Lord Voldemort?” Dumbledore asks.

“I know he was a crazy blood purist that started a civil war here and got killed by baby Harry after murdering his parents.“ Bruce says what everyone in the Wizarding world knows.

“What If I told you I believe Voldemort is still out there somewhere among the living?”

‘I would say no shit.’


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