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Bruce’s time out of the hospital was spent mostly exercising.

His body wasn’t in the best shape after taking a bullet, going through surgeries, and sleeping for a week straight.

Thankfully, Bruce is young so it didn’t take long for him to get back to the normal physic of any other 10-year-old boy.

He also had the help of a physical therapist that Alfred found for him, which definitely sped up his recovery.

Upon returning to Wayne Manor, Bruce was beyond impressed.

He was extremely poor in his former life, so this type of grand mansion which he would only see in movies, shows, and YouTube videos was shocking and amazing to behold.

It wasn’t until his first night there, laying in his giant and soft bed, that Bruce truly comprehended that this was all his.

The money.

The mansion.

The staff that kept the place clean and orderly.

The bodyguards.

The lifestyle that he could live now is something that his former self could only dream of.

He slept like a baby that night. Truly content with his new life and excited to explore this new and exciting world.

The week flew by and it was time to say goodbye to Martha and Thomas Wayne.

He actually felt a little sad on this day, which was surprising to him. Because just a week ago he didn’t care too much about them.

This may have been a side effect of living in the same place as the two deceased.

Bruce explored every inch of the manor and its surrounding grounds, so he’s seen everything there is to see.

Including the family photos and possessions of his body's parents.

They just seemed so happy together in every photo that Bruce’s inner orphan felt sad for never having that in either life.

Of course, he wasn’t too upset but there was an air of sadness to him and everyone that worked in Wayne Manor.

Maybe the sorrowful atmosphere was getting to him.

After dressing up in a fine black suit, Bruce and Alfred departed from Wayne Manor, followed by multiple cars filled with staff that wanted to join the funeral to see off their former employers.

Of course, Bruce’s team of bodyguards were there as well.

Arriving at a grand cathedral, Bruce could see many guests that have come to pay their respects making their way inside.

The outside actually looked like some sort of award show, as well-dressed guests walked up carpeted stairs to the front doors, while paparazzi and journalists took pictures and screamed questions from the sides.

Truly, the media had no shame.

Due to what happened to Bruce as he was leaving the hospital, Alfred contacted the Gotham police and had them come and keep the media in check.

Of course, the Wayne family gave a nice donation in order to really motivate them.

Sadly, in Gotham City, even the police need to have their pockets greased to do their jobs to the fullest.

And boy were they working at their fullest.

Cop cars surrounded the area with blockades everywhere and a police helicopter monitored everything from the sky.

‘At least it’s was money well spent.’ Bruce thought as Alfred opens the car door for him.

As soon as he exits the car, a barrage of camera flashes blinds his eyes as reporters start screaming questions yet again.

Luckily, this time the police are here and blocking any overzealous media members from getting close.

Walking up the stairs and into the cathedral, Bruce ignored everyone that tried to talk to him and made his way down the aisle towards a wide double Casket.

The casket was closed, as Alfred didn’t think it would be healthy for a 10-year-old child to see his dead parents. No matter how good the mortician can make them look.

After a moment of just standing there, Bruce took his seat in the front row followed by Alfred.

Soon, everyone was seated and a minister started the ceremony with a speech about how kind and charitable the Wayne’s were.

Some family friends and business associates went up and said a few words.

When they were finished, some formally dressed policemen came forward and carried the coffin out of the cathedral and into a hearse.

Everyone got in their cars and followed the hearse to the Gotham cemetery, led by a police escort.

Upon arrive, they saw a plot was already dug with a grand gravestone depicting an angel with her wings folded, crying into her hands.

Of course, Thomas and Martha Wayne’s names were carved into the base that the angel was standing on.

After lowering the casket into the grave, a priest said some words and some workers started filling the whole.

This is when many started to leave and soon enough the only people left were Alfred and Bruce.

“We should be going, Master Bruce.” Alfred says without adding the ‘Young’ portion anymore, as his former Master is now dead and buried.

“Hey, Alfred. You know how to fight and shoot right?” Bruce says, eying the outline of a holstered pistol hidden under Alfred's coat.

“Yes, but you already know this, Master Bruce...” Alfred replies with a raised eyebrow.

“I want you to teach me everything you learned in the military.” Bruce says.

He’s planned this for a few days now.

Bruce knew that he would need to know how to fight and much more in order to survive in this world, so his first step in that route would be learning how to fight from a trained professional.

Luckily, he had Alfred so he wouldn’t have to go looking for a competent teacher.

Not that it would be hard with his resources.

The only problem would be Alfred's agreement. He may think that Bruce is too young or leave out certain things like gunplay or weapons in general.

This is why he planned to ask on a day when it would be hard to say no.

I mean, who could say no to an orphaned child on the day of their parent's funeral?

“I don’t mind teaching you some things...” Alfred began to answer but Bruce cut him off.

“No! I want to know everything!” Bruce exclaimed. “I don’t want to be weak anymore! I want to be able to protect myself so nothing like this happens ever again!” Bruce cry’s out, using his newly practiced acting skills to the max.

Shocked at seeing Bruce's outburst, Alfred takes a moment to think about it before answering.

“Okay, but it won’t be easy.”


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