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Still on the fence? For only $5 per month you can keep up with my new comic, Stellar & Stiletto - as I create it! For the curious and creative, $10 gets you a behind-the-scenes look at my process with sketches, write-ups, and video logs with commentary.

Your pledge directly supports my work, and makes my comic possible! I want to make a kick-ass comic, and I know I can do it - with your support!



Wait! Does that mean that you are going to quit you common work to do only comics then?


That is indeed the goal. Comics are my passion and what I want to be doing above all else. It doesn't mean I won't ever do illustrative work, but it won't be my focus going forward. Instead, I'll put all my effort into making the best comic book that I can.


Been seeing a few artists trying to make that shift. Commission schedules get too crazy and they don't get to work on their own stuff at all.


Awesome news! I'm sure you'll be able to do a kick-ass comic very soon! Good luck and great achievements to you!