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Welcome new patrons, returning ones, and those still with me. I woke up and realized this morning that while I have a vision for the new comic, I perhaps haven't shared enough about it. So with that in mind, I figured I'd open up a channel for you to ask me anything you want about the comic, or this patreon page in general. I'll do my best to answer any questions you might have!



What made you come up with this idea for a fantasy world setting.


When I was conceptualizing the story I initially considered a modern place setting, and even a sci-fi one. But as I explored the characters a bit more, and realized that I wanted my main character to be a virtuous (but naive) one, the thought of making her a princess made sense to me. So with that in mind, I figured that the fantasy setting would best facilitate the type of story I want to create.


What kind of release pace are you planning? Are you aiming for a consistent weekly/biweekly thing, or will it just be as fast as you can pump ‘em out (innuendo not intended)? Great call on messaging former patrons btw - it 100% worked on me :)


Ultimately, I've learned with my past work that every page I make is a bit different, and requires a different level of attention or detail. Some pages come out quicker than others with my workflow, so I'll do my best to keep them coming out consistently, but there won't be a set schedule for them. Once a week would be ideal, but we'll see where we land. :) And Thank-you for returning! Seeing a patron come back just feels different. I'm wholeheartedly grateful for your support 😌🙏