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And this marks the end of the prologue... Next up, the chapter will begin properly. As I mentioned before, I'll be doing some self-promoting online, and focusing on getting my numbers up here. The next few pages are being worked on now, and I'll see you again soon!




Whoa, an outdoor orgy right at the very start! I'm really interested in learning more about the norms and cultures of this world, looks like casual sex is a thing here. I think the story of this one is gonna hook me even more than your previous series. I do love spice and drama in erotica so I'm really looking forward to your future posts. The colors look lively and punchy, and the lines look confident and clean. I hope the succeeding pages will be colored as well. Glad you have roadmap to reach your goals. I think this will be a good year for you Erotibot.


Thanks so much Naj, and I really hope so. Regarding the orgy... this is just a dream sequence you see, so the proceeding pages will be different, but they will still be in color.


No wonder these first few pages took so long! I should have never doubted you. I'm sorry, sensei. I like her little tuft of bush! Was not expecting you to commit to that aspect of the design. :)


Ah yes... there was quite a bit of planning and experimenting going on. Lots of back and forth trying to get the look that I wanted. I think pages will take less time in the future as I continue to refine my approach. And I am committed to that tuft! She has such a nice hair color how could I not be? I think Stiletto will be more sleek in that department though.


A garden of Eden style orgy is definitely amusing but also quite fitting really 😂 I'm still impressed that it will be full colour, the manga style of hot shit high was really nice but this will make it something quite different entirely, and a splash of colour is always nice to see. Stellar certainly has some nice dreams 😍


Yeah. I've always wanted to make a color comic, but I think I was too scared of it (Being colorblind, plus the labor of coloring). I feel much better about doing it now, but I'm going to have to experiment further in order to simplify my approach with it. Anyways, color lends many opportunities that I haven't fully explored yet, so I'm really excited for this change!