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Hey all, this is just a public post to officially announce my new comic project, Stellar & Stiletto. A brand new story by me about a horny young princess, and the bond she shares with a mysterious outsider.

The story will follow the main character (Stellar) as she narrates her feelings while navigating a journey through different sexual experiences and encounters with a variety of characters, a mysterious hero, and a vindictive villain with intimate ties. 

The tone and pace of this comic will be different from my previous series, Hot Shit High. Where that series focused on comedy and the absurd, Stellar & Stiletto will focus more on emotion and drama... (and SEX, of course)!

This is going to be a long series for me, and should it be successful, will go on for many chapters - but for that I need your help.

In order to focus on this project long-term like I want to, I need to meet and maintain a certain level of financial stability here on Patreon. With that in mind, I’ve set a goal to meet and will be promoting the comic online. I’ve also restructured my tiers and front page to revolve around the new comic (so please check that out for more information).

The goal I’m setting is to reach 400 patrons. If I’m able to meet that goal, I’ll begin focusing on the comic exclusively. If I’m unable to meet that goal, I’ll continue to take commission work, and produce comic pages when I can.

For now, I’ll go ahead and share the first couple of pages with you and then focus on meeting my goal. So… if you’ve made it this far and haven’t pledged yet, please do so, and help me make my comic! And if you’re already with me then tell a friend, and wish me best of luck!




Wooooo! The time has come, can't wait to see and I really hope it goes well!


Awesome man, I am looking forward to it!


It's finally here! I almost can't believe it... now I'm just wishing for success!


Do you mind if I post the cover and a link to your patreon on Pillowfort in a couple communities?


stilleto pretty hot!


I don't mind at all, in fact, that would be incredibly helpful. Thank-you very much! 😁