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Here’s a look at the final redesign for Stiletto, of the upcoming comic series Stellar & Stiletto. And just like Stellar, her design has changed quite a bit!

Stiletto is a contraband thief from beyond the castle walls, who earns a living stealing and reselling “outlawed” materials. So in updating her design, I wanted to make her feel a little more sneaky and sexy, as well as giving her a better color pallet to contrast with Stellar’s look.

Getting these designs right is crucial, because we’ll be seeing a lot of these two in the near future, and these drawings will serve as a reference point for me while working on the comic. Additionally, I can use them to help promote the comic during the start up phase, as well as using them for character bios and more.

Anyways, let me know what you think about the new design. I’ve included the old design below so you can compare the them, as well as a sheet with both Stellar and Stiletto together.

Next up, I’ll work on creating a cover image for the comic, and then I’ll be starting layouts for the first chapter. 

Getting closer!




Poggers! As a battle bikini enthusiast I can't not love the first, but this is a much more appropriate visual contrast to Stellars new design, and the skirt and tube top have amazing sexy-situation/framing potential. New colors are also perfect. Feel like she would fit right in to a game like Shantae, very readable design and every bit pops. 10/10 IGN


Yeah, there are a lot of good design choices in the Shantae series. I also enjoy battle bikinis, but after thinking it over... it didn't really fit with the story or the character. So I had to improvise and adapt! Hopefully these designs will be easier to work with too.


I notice Stiletto is left-handed 🫱