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Okay, I need to be honest with everyone. My Patreon support hasn’t been doing too well lately… In fact, it hasn’t been doing well for a while now. Numbers are way down from where they used to be and finances have been tight. 

I need to course-correct and get this ship sailing again, and a part of my plan to do that involves starting a new comic project so that my output is steady and my supporters have new content to look forward to. 

I’m still developing the look and style of the project, but in order to make ends meet in the meantime, I’ll be opening up a couple of commission slots here on Patreon as reward tier for anyone who wants to grab them.

The tier is for one simple-styled commissioned piece per month, with specific boundaries (see here for details and specifications). The tier will be limited to two slots for now and will dissolve after I begin working on the new project in the near future. 

For full transparency, I’ve made my numbers visible so we can see where they’re at, and work towards making them better. Honestly, the financial decline has been a huge stressor for me, but I also recognize it as the result of a lack of direction and inconsistent updates on my part.

Anyways, it’s not all doom and gloom. I’m simultaneously hopeful for and excited about the new project coming up, and I’ll be sharing more information about it soon. I’ll also have an update regarding the state of Hot Shit High early next month as well.

As always, thanks for your support and much love to you all,

(EDIT: Both slots are SOLD OUT. I had to delist the tier due to it being so close to the billing cycle at the end of the month, but it will reappear again next month when new slots open)



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