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Holy hell, it’s finally finished! Thank-you so much for your patience with these last two pages (and throughout this whole thing, really). I honestly can’t believe it’s done.

Well actually… it’s not entirely done, yet. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ll be going through the comic and making some minor revisions (nothing too important; just touching up some formatting issues and adding a few forgotten details), plus creating a cover illustration.

After that, I’ll be returning to illustration for a while (so don’t go anywhere!). Hot Shit High will continue of course, but I need a break from it - and some time to conceptualize the story. Writing is a lengthy process for me, and I intend to take my time to ensure that the next story is just as satisfying.

Anyways, I can’t truly express the depth of my gratitude for your support during this project. Without you, I wouldn’t have the means to make my comics at all (and they literally wouldn’t exist in the first place). But moving forward, I want to do better as a creator in staying on top of rewards and uploads. Many, many, apologies for the gaps between updates and the lack of regular posts (I love you dearly for staying with me).

Speaking of that, I’ve just uploaded the last remaining high res image pack for the comic. I’ll be offering the complete package for purchase on gumroad for non-supporters, but I want to make sure that supporters who have been with me are able to download it for free as well. I’ll let you know the plan before the comic’s official release. 

For now, please enjoy the last two pages of the thing that totally consumed my mind and soul for the past few years - and I hope you’ll look forward to some bright and colorful illustrations in the very near future!




Thornton been dabbling in the dark arts, apparently :o This story has been a blast and a half to read through tho! (and i'm still competely gaga over Envy)


This...... was........ unexpected.............! Your drawings are so detailed and powerful (and perfect) rht it's no wonder they take time to make. I'll love to see what you can conjure in the future. Good luck and I'll keep supporting you


Brilliant twist!! An awesome cliffhanger to an AWESOME chapter!! 👏


Congratulations on this huge milestone! Looking forward to whatever you decide to make in the future as well. Breaks and rest are super important. We'll be here to cheer you on when you're ready 🙂


Absolutely incredible as always! Your artwork is always Immaculate! And I both love and hate how you left it with a cliffhanger! Keep up the good work I can’t wait to see what you do in the future!!


Wild and impressive journey! Thinking about it now there's really not much else like this comic out there, at least to my knowledge. Definitely top tier in the "porn/hentai comic" space. It's been great to follow along with. I am very much looking forward to the illustration focus for a while as well! You've still got some of my absolute favourites that inspired me to make stuff myself.


Envy sure was fun! I can't say for sure if we'll see the pair again (as they were only written as supporting characters for Ch.2), but I enjoyed myself every time I got to draw her.


Thank-you friend!! I'm glad you liked it, and I'm always happy to see your comments pop up here!


Thanks a bunch! This feels pretty huge for me somehow... The weight of this thing has been on me so long. I dunno what I'm gonna make between now and then, but I'll put my heart into it like always!


Hahaha... I gotta leave 'em hanging to keep 'em coming back for more, right? Anyways... this felt like the perfect place to end the chapter. Now I gotta figure out Chapter 3...


That's very kind of you to say so, and I'm happy to hear it! The journey has been long... and a part of me is grappling with how I'm supposed to deal with doing another one - but that issue isn't weighing on me at the moment. For now, a drink - and a toast to your lengthy support! I'm eternally grateful to those like you who have helped me out for so long. Thank-you so much for helping me do this friend!