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Big Boom imminent!

Wow… okay, first of all; welcome all new subscribers! I'm blessed and fortunate to have you join us, and to help me do this thing. Secondly; many, many, apologies for the amount of time it took me to finish this page. I’ve been trudging through some health issues and personal problems this month, but we should be getting back on track again soon.

Now on to the page. This one was tricky - as I definitely wanted to get that wide shot of the students crowding the cafeteria, surveying the damage. I experimented with some more dynamic angles before deciding that a simple overhead shot would be the most effective - but nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Putting all those people in scale and trying to make them look different, but simple enough to fall into the periphery took some work.

I'm pretty happy with it though - and yeah. We’re going there! Sorta… maybe… stay tuned!

As always, thank-you dearly for your support, and for helping me make this comic. Please remember to stay cool, safe, and hydrated out there!




Things are about to get intense around here.


Detailed just enough to identify but not enough to say 'new character'

Stone Quillian III

I hope those health problems aren't too serious. But nice update, by the way


We're getting close and im loving the ride


Well. Shit.


Never apologize for taking care of your health ❤️ Hope your recovery is going smoothly.


And then everyone died the end


I think it's good to communicate, especially to supporters - but of course I appreciate you saying so friend. Starting to feel better.


It's nothing I haven't dealt with in the past, but thank-you just as well.


Yeah - you'll notice the three supporting students from a few pages ago standing immediately behind Davy. There are a couple of cheerleaders too, from the first page. The rest just needed to be slightly more detailed than a silhouette.


Yeeaah! Wait - I mean... uh, well... that would be one way to end the comic, I suppose. 🤔


The first chapter ended with an explosion, so I had to do *something* to up the ante a bit!


A little late to the party - but maaan, that school shot is pure DEDICATION! Kudos!