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The anatomically correct uterus came out! Though I still think there's some room for improvement, at least for future depictions. I was reading up about how the uterus works, and its role in sexual arousal. Turns out, the uterus actually moves out of the way during arousal, causing the vaginal canal to lengthen and make room for the action. I guess this is why female readers will sometimes comment and say "ouch"! when they see the cervix being bumped up against, as it's shown in nearly every single hentai picture ever created. 

Even with a lengthy member, such as the one Marvin possesses, it should only ever reach the back wall of the vagina (since the uterus relocates itself), but a heightened arousal state is a necessary prerequisite. This indeed would be a tricky thing to illustrate, especially since it's difficult to judge angles and perspectives with internal cross-sections of the body. Well... for now, at least we've got fallopian tubes and an angular depiction of a triangular womb, I guess that's better than most!

I'm also pleasantly pleased with the rhythmic "squirts" diminishing in size as they exit the panel. You know.. because it isn't just ONE squirt! It's many.

Sex, man... I tell ya. It's more complicated than it seems!



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