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Whew! So I ended up liking this page a whole lot more than I thought I would when I started. The complex sequentials I had planned were giving me a ton of grief until I decided to strip everything down into a nice, big, saucy spread of Sharlene giving us the goods (and by goods, I mean a doe-eyed, lip-biting expression).

Hope you enjoy it, and as always thanks for your support! You mean the world to me~




Ooh, I love it. That picture is so hot. Marvin needs to learn to love and breed the Sharlene.


I swear if she comes out and says I love you imma die...my vanilla heart can’t handle it


LMFAO, you too, huh? Well as you know, those are pretty strong words, aren't they? Marvin and Sharlene aren't at that level yet, but there's definitely something developing between them...


Yeah, this isn’t quite the same Marvin that melted into copulating bliss in that first encounter. Something is pushing buttons.


Damn, what a page! I can just hear all the carnage in the background meanwhile there's this sultry aura around Sharlene as she sweet talks Marvin. Haha. She's damn near a succubus with how alluring she is and that's her natural charisma. Whew. What a girl. Great work as usual, man! *chef's kiss*


Damn you sure weren't kidding when you said you drew the best vagina ever. Followed a lot more artists since finding your stuff 4 or so years ago but you most certainly still hold the prestigious title of "pussy master" in my eyes. As always the expressions are fantastic, the body shapes are beautiful and I still love the way Sharlene's skirt looks. Looking forward to another year of your art ^^


My heart just melted with that first panel ;W;


Somewhere along the way I fell in love with Sharlene. Just great, now I'm in love with a fictional character of my own creation. I'm going crazy.


I really hammered away at that vag (no pun here) until I got just what I was looking for. It's funny how many shapes and sizes they come in, but for Sharlene, there's one type specifically. The funnest part about this one? Getting that outer blush right. I think it draws a nice parallel to the blushing on her cheeks.


Made a couple of very *minor* revisions and re-uploaded the page. Just some tone corrections and some detail tweaks... stuff most people would never notice, but it makes this obsessive artist feel better.


Beautiful expression on Sharlene's face! Really glad you went with a larger panel for her!


I kinda want Sharlene's face in panel 1 as an actual photo in my wallet. No text balloons or anything


Dude.. That is a PERFECT image. You should sell coffee mugs with that on it.